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He wanted to “take” my “virginity”, testifies a woman at the trial of Gilbert Rozon

“I want to take your virginity.” On the eighth day of Gilbert Rozon’s civil trial, researcher Sophie Moreau recounted having been sexually assaulted and harassed by the former comedy mogul in the late 1980s, when she was a minor.

Ms. Moreau had known Gilbert Rozon since he was 10 years old. The one who is the daughter of the late impersonator and comedian Jean-Guy Moreau – a very good friend of Mr. Rozon, who also helped set up the Just for Laughs festival – confided that she had absolute confidence in him at the time.

We had a very good relationship, I felt like he took me under his wing and included me. I completely trusted him because I had known him for several yearsshe says.

Sophie Moreau alleges that she was sexually assaulted and harassed in 1988 and 1989, when she was 15 and 16 years old. She says she still suffers serious harm today and is demanding $1.25 million from the 70-year-old former producer.

Warning : some of the following passages may shock readers

It was in high school, at the age of 15, that she began working for the summer comedy festival. The first incident is said to have occurred during this period. Mr. Rozon allegedly took her to see a show at Place des Arts and lured her into a machine room to hug her and ask her to kiss him.

She would then have replied nonlooking at him funny, after which he withdrew and started laughing as if nothing happened. Sophie Moreau stressed to the judge that she did not understand how an adult – her boss and, moreover, her father’s friend – could do such a thing.

At that time, It’s happening quickly, I wonder what I did to cause this. Another woman would have seen them together backstage some time later and would have whispered in Ms. Moreau’s ear to “fai[re] attention ».

According to his testimony, there would have been no other incidents like this that summer. However, upon her return to the festival team the following summer, Ms. Moreau confided that the incidents multiplied.

Advances and touching

At one point, Gilbert Rozon allegedly put his hand on his buttock in the Just for Laughs offices. She would then have made it clear to him that she didn’t like it.

She also said that on gala evenings at the Théâtre St-Denis, he stood behind her behind the stage, where it was darkin order to hug her from behind and place his hands on her stomach. It was at this moment that he whispered in her ear: Come on, I’m going to kiss you. I want to take your virginity, I’m going to take it slow.

This stratagem is said to have been repeated four or five times.

I am encompassed, I feel his entire body on me. I don’t feel good, I don’t like it. I feel disgusting. I had never kissed a guy at that point. I am incomprehension and disgusttestifies the lady, now 51 years old.

Ms. Moreau specified that the advances, touching and sexual assaults on the part of Gilbert Rozon ended when the latter began to be interested in his sister, Véronique Moreau, then aged 17. The latter will in turn testify at the trial on Friday.

He looked at my sister with a look that he had already looked at me, but I didn’t know anything until six months, when she told me that she had a lover and that it was Gilbert Rozon.

The two daughters, then the mother

Sophie Moreau also explained to the judge the circumstances during which she learned of the alleged rape of her mother, Suzanne Deniger, in December 2017.

It’s December 27th, I’m going to remember it all my life. [Ma mère] closes and says “me too”. ”You too what?” ”Me too #metoo”.

A quote from Sophie Moreau, 7th witness in the civil trial of Gilbert Rozon

While she told her parents everything in 2005, 12 years later, it is the turn of her mother – who died in 2022 – to finally confide in her family. She too was allegedly raped by Mr. Rozon.

I always had the feeling that my mother had given carte blanche from the moment he became my sister’s lover. He often came home at Christmas. Everyone shouted a bit. ”How did you not say that before?” [J’étais prise entre] surprise and angershe says.

Sophie Moreau says that Mr. Rozon would have accompanied his mother home in a state of intoxication between 1989 and 2001 and then allegedly raped her. He would have told her anyway you won’t be able to say anything, no one will believe you, I’m in a relationship with Véro.

Sophie Moreau was the sixth woman to sue Mr. Rozon in civil court for allegations of sexual crimes and the only alleged victim who was a minor at the time of the facts. Gilbert Rozon’s trial opened last week at the Montreal courthouse, despite his attempt to have it postponed.

In total, nine alleged victims began this final attempt to obtain compensation as part of a joint civil trial before Judge Chantal Tremblay of the Superior Court.

Julie Snyder, who is not one of the plaintiffs although she has said publicly on several occasions that she too was sexually assaulted by the businessman, will testify for her part on Thursday.

Judge Chantal Tremblay wishes in particular to hear evidence of similar facts. In law, this type of evidence may be admissible to demonstrate that the accused set up a system to manipulate the victim.

Julie Snyder is also being sued for defamation by the ex-boss of Just for Laughs, just like Patricia Tulasne, whom he accuses of “an abuse of rights” and is demanding damages for troubles and inconveniences, damage to reputation and moral damage.

Forty-three days of hearings are planned for this trial, which is scheduled to continue until March 28.

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With information from Amélie Desmarais


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