DayFR Euro

the Miss Auvergne committee reviews the elimination of its candidate, Romane Agostinho

By Gabrielle Dumon

December 18 at 3:17 p.m.,

updated December 18 at 3:36 p.m.

Romane Augustine
Bertrand NOEL / SIPA

VIDEO – During the election of Miss 2025 last Saturday, December 14, the young woman was not even included in the fifteen finalists of the beauty contest.

In the history of Miss France, no Miss Auvergne has been crowned. Unfortunately, it was not Romane Agostinho, the Miss of the region elected this year, who changed the situation. Although third in the general knowledge test, the 28-year-old young woman was not selected. A choice that makes his committee raise eyebrows. The delegate, Mélanie Billard, spoke to the local newspaper The Mountain.

“We had prepared her a lot, there was a lot of content on social networks, a lot of mobilization around her”delivers the delegate of Miss Auvergne in her interview. “And then, she had a lot of visibility in the press because of her atypical profession.” In fact, the young woman is an animal osteopath, a very special training which took her eight years of study, always according to The Mountain.

Also read
Who is Romane Agostinho, Miss Auvergne for Miss France 2025?

“That she was not in the top 15 was a (bad) surprise and I have no explanation”explains Mélanie Billard again. The one who herself was Miss Auvergne in 2008 then dismantles the hypothesis according to which the population of the region weighs – too little, here – in the balance. “At each competition, Miss Auvergne is always well highlighted. This election was no exception and Romane was at the top”she assures.

And to add, by comparing his region to others: “And then, Miss Île-de-France was also eliminated, although we cannot say that it represents a region which does not have any demographic weight. And Miss Corse was elected 3rd runner-up even though it is not the most populated region in France.”

If she does not blame anyone, Mélanie Billard indicates that her committee will redouble its efforts so that Miss France is Miss Auvergne for the first time. “We started something with this election”relates the former Miss. “There is a renewed interest in Miss Auvergne and our partners have supported us well. We will continue this mobilization work and further improve the preparation of our Misses, particularly in terms of speaking, and increase their participation in events so that they are comfortable in public.”

SEE ALSO“We contacted men but…” : the boss of Miss France, Frédéric Gilbert, responds to criticism of the 100% female jury




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