With “The Last”, Guillaume Meurice brings France Inter to Radio Nova
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With “The Last”, Guillaume Meurice brings France Inter to Radio Nova

Premiere of “La Dernière”, the new Radio Nova show hosted by Guillaume Meurice, on September 8, 2024, with, in particular, Pierre-Emmanuel Barré, Aymeric Lompret, Juliette Arnaud. OLIVIER CORSAN/THE PARISIAN/MAXPPP


Working ten years with Charline Vanhoenacker is apparently a good school. With his new show mischievously titled “La Dernière”, Guillaume Meurice is instilling his France Inter touch on Radio Nova. After his resounding dismissal from the public station in June because of his joke comparing Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to “a kind of nazi, but without foreskin” which led, in its wake, to the end of the political satire show by Charline’s gang, “Le Grand Dimanche soir”, Guillaume Meurice has now found refuge in the private sector, on Radio Nova.

Read the story: Article reserved for our subscribers Behind the Guillaume Meurice affair, political humor in question

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Sunday, September 8, the premiere of “La Dernière” set the tone for this new event, mixing an insolent look at current events and good humor: it’s not the late “Le Grand Dimanche soir” but it looks a lot like it. Same broadcast day, same schedule (from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.), same editor-in-chief (Ramzi Assadi), same accomplices – Aymeric Lompret and Juliette Arnaud -, same live in public (this time at the Théâtre L’Européen, where spectators have to pay 17 euros).

The “Journal des bonnes nouvelles” has been replaced by the “Bilan de la semaine”, and the columns follow one another at regular intervals, often humorous (with new voices like that of Akim Omiri or the return of Florence Mendez, another trip from France Inter) but not only. “Le Grand Dimanche soir” included in its ranks the lecturer in stylistics Laélia Véron, “La Dernière” called upon the doctor in neuroscience Samah Karaki.

Choices marked on the left

But let’s stop the comparisons and talk about the new features. First, the arrival in Meurice’s gang of Pierre-Emmanuel Barré, who is making his return to the airwaves after a seven-year absence. The former provocative voice of France Inter has transformed into an excellent “mediator” and a lively columnist. As for Guillaume Meurice, he is swapping his man-in-the-street interviews for a clever and welcome column entitled “The Moral Panic of the Week”, cheerfully mocking the continuous news channels.

Above all, the troublemaker easily assumes his role as master of ceremonies and interviewer. Because the common thread of “La Dernière” is based on the guest – with whom the informal “tu” is the rule – who is not an artist being promoted but a supposed personality “make us read the news differently and make us less stupid”says the master of the place. Present throughout the show, he can even choose “the guest of the guest”. A pretty good idea.

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