In Paris, Leonard Cohen’s work revisited by the Ballets Jazz Montréal
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In Paris, Leonard Cohen’s work revisited by the Ballets Jazz Montréal

At the Théâtre du Châtelet, fourteen dancers will perform from September 27 to October 5 in a creation, dating from 2017, inspired by the work of the poet, artist and songwriter of Montreal origin.

Of Suzanne (1967) to Hallelujah (1984) passing through Dance Me to the End of Love (1984), the Ballets Jazz Montréal (BJM) revived the register of Leonard Cohen through a classical ballet, at the Théâtre du Châtelet.

In favor of 375e anniversary of the founding of Montreal (2017), Louis Robitaille, then artistic director of Ballets Jazz Montréal, realizes a dream: to create a ballet based on the great classics of Leonard Cohen. After bringing together sixteen of his titles – classics and lesser-known ones – a show was born: Dance Me – Music by Leonard Cohen.

The creation, which takes place from September 27 to October 5 at the Théâtre du Châtelet Paris, features fourteen dancers from the BJM. Today under the artistic direction of Alexandra Damiani, the company was born from the collaboration between Geneviève Salbaing, Eva Von Gencsy and Eddy Toussaint in 1972.

Inspired by the work of the poet, artist and songwriter of Montreal origin, Dance Me – Music by Leonard Cohen was approved, during his lifetime, by Leonard Cohen. Through titles composed between 1967 and 2016, the tribute paid to him by the Ballets Jazz Montréal evokes the great cycles of existence. « The songs were assembled according to the cycle of life, seasons and energies, adding a fifth season, like Indian summer which symbolizes the passage from life to other things, and this without ever thinking about the disappearance of Mr. Cohen. “, explained Louis Robitaille to the Figaro .

Accompanied by the playwright Éric Jean, the choreographic writing of the show was entrusted to three professionals: Andonis Foniadakis, Annabelle Lopez Ochoa and Ihsan Rustem. The show they imagined mixes scenic, visual, musical, dramaturgical and choreographic writings.

The BJM company will then present the show to the Breton public in Lanester in November, then in Compiègne in Oise and Nevers in Nièvre in December.


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