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Bobital L’Armor in Sons: a Saturday full of surprises

This Saturday, June 29th did not go as it was supposed to at the Bobital L’Armor Festival in Sons. Early in the morning, two artists cancelled their appearance on the stage of the Bourillet plain, in Trélivan (22). But in the end, more fear than harm.

Mobilized teams

The announcement was made mid-morning, around 10 a.m. Rapper Zola, popular with young people, was unable to come to Bobital due to an injury “making him unable to move and perform on stage”. He notably posted a photo on social media with one of his legs immobilized. His cancellation disappointed many young people. The same goes for Charlotte Cardin, who suffered a loss of voice. “I really hope she will be at Vieilles Charrues”, hopes one of our readers because the artist is due to perform in Carhaix (29) on July 14.

When the organizers of the Bobital L’Armor à Sons festival announced the rapper’s non-appearance, they had been informed of the absence of the second artist. Two last-minute cancellations forced the teams to find solutions in record time. “Romain Benoist (the programmer, Editor’s note) has quite the address book. He made many phone calls,” said members of the board of directors early in the afternoon.


Festival-goers enjoyed the day’s concerts thanks to the incredible work of the programming teams. And they hardly noticed! In record time, Doubs & Co, who replaced Zola at the Europavox in Clermont-Ferrand (63), were also present at Bobital this Saturday.

To replace Charlotte Cardin at short notice, Bowidel bet on Rim’K, another rapper defined as “a rap legend who has spanned the ages” and also the one who was one of the first rappers to receive a Victory of the music.

Even though the artist started his concert a few minutes late, due to a missed train, Rim’K was expected by the festival-goers on stage B, as evidenced by the cries of joy when he arrived on stage, after listening to the dynamic Bianca Costa who finally moved to stage A.

Artists in shape

The Bretons of Komodrag & The Mounoudor put on a show in front of an audience that let itself be rocked on stage B for a mid-evening before moving on to a legendary group that had already come to Bobital almost twenty years ago. “Bobitaaal”, it is indeed Louise Attaque that we are talking about.

From the first notes, the general cheers did not stop. The festival-goers naturally sang along to the essential hits such as “Je t’emmène au vent” or “Ton invitation” with their arms in the air.


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