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“I promised him…”, the rare confidences of the former movie star about his son

A true international star and fashion icon for many years, Brigitte Bardot, who has retired from public life, has revealed some secrets about her son, Nicolas Charrier.

A young ingénue of fatal beauty, in the 1950s, Brigitte Bardot gained access to fame when she was 22 years oldafter playing in And God created the womanreleased in 1956. Directed by Roger Vadim, whom she had married in 1952, the film, which went unnoticed upon its release, achieved great success after a few months.

During her life, the actress, who was adored by millions of fans, experienced several tumultuous romantic adventures. In 1959, Brigitte Bardot, who will celebrate her 90th birthday on September 28, married Jacques Charrier, whom she had met on the set of the film Babette goes to war. The couple had a son, Nicolas-Jacques Charrier, born in 1960 in the French star’s Parisian apartment, reports Gala.

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Brigitte Bardot’s confessions about her son

Brigitte Bardot had a difficult pregnancy. Her marriage to Jacques Charrier ended in 1963. and the actor gained custody of their son. “I had a child, but you can’t say that this child, poor thing, came at the right time and brought me what I was missing.”she confided to the ParisianSeptember 24, 2021.

On June 28, an exclusive interview with Brigitte Bardot, granted to director Christian Brincourt, was published in Paris-Match. During the interview, the former actress made some confidences about his private life. After listening to a question about her 64-year-old son, she replied: “I promised Nicolas never to talk about him in my interviews.” The actress had to hide in her apartment until the birth of her son, the paparazzi being posted around her home in order to find the photo of the pregnant star.

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Distant relationships

Nicolas-Jacques Charrier was raised by his father. In his book Initials BB (ed. Grasset), Brigitte Bardot had described in her own words how she had experienced her pregnancywhich she had compared to a “tumor” growing in her womb. Strong words which particularly touched his son, who had sued him.

Found guilty, she was ordered to pay the sum of 150,000 francs to her ex-husband Jacques Charrier, as well as 100,000 francs to her son, reported Current wife. Their relations have since become more peaceful. “We call each other regularly. Living in Norway, he visits me once a year at La Madrague, alone or accompanied by his family, his wife, my granddaughters (…) I love him in a special way. And so does he. He’s a bit like me.”she declared in 2018 to Was-Matin.

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A freelance writer for several years, I am passionate about cinema, series and news. Curious, I tackle social issues every day, topics related to celebrity news, …


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