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Screening, debate, concerts… the first edition of the Peace Festival takes place this Saturday, June 29 in Mallemort

The rich and varied theme of peace, which could not be more topical, will be symbolised by, the cherry on the cake, the highly anticipated Marianne Aya Omac who will perform the closing concert for this first edition of the Peace Festival organised in Mallemort.

The one that the legendary Joan Baez herself announces to be the next “light, destined to be a star in its own right“, is in fact scheduled at 9:45 p.m. as guest of honor. This real jack of all trades, singer, guitarist, author, composer and choir director, will be accompanied by Mao’s backing vocals for the occasion.

The power of words

Because organizing a festival dedicated to peace is, above all, about songs, the power of words serving music that brings people together. It is artistically expressing the fact of being together, in harmony and dialogue. It is this desire that is also expressed in the Pasapaz choir.

The name of the latter refers to this universal aspect of peace which implies slow and continuous work in order to strengthen the human bond, non-violence, overcoming discrimination and prejudices. The Mallemort association Orfées, which produces Pasapaz, also brings together polyphonic choirs turned towards the world and supports the launch of the project “1,000 choirs for peace”.

Robert Nageli d’Orfée rightly evokes his definition of peace: “It’s like plants, if we don’t water them, they die. A smile, a hello, I don’t agree but I respect you. We also talk about living well together.

He then mentions the philosopher Spinoza: “Peace is not the absence of war, it is also a virtue, a state of mind, a desire for benevolence, trust, justice.

This engagement with this choir first translates into a commitment to singing. There are no workshops and it is reserved for singers who have the autonomy to work at home, in a civic commitment. “Through singing, we know that we touch the choir directly, the music directly accesses the soul”continues Robert Nagelli of Orfée.

More generally, it is a strong desire to nourish the bond of conviviality that will animate this festival, this need to cultivate tolerance, acceptance of difference, altruism, solidarity and harmony. The will of the municipality, bearer of this project, is to create a new highlight in accordance with the spirit of living together.

Program for June 29

16 h : film screening The Valley of the Butterfliesfollowed by a debate on living together, at the Maison commune des pipistrelles de la Durance, organized by the LIP, the infinite place of possibilities.

17 h 30 : a workshop debate to focus on “systemic oppressions in an intersectional way”, or more simply, why talk about oppression during a day on peace? Still in the Maison commune des pipistrelles, organized by the GABI association.

18 h 15 : songs in the heart of the associative village, at the parc des deux canals, with the choir of worlds and Nhommades, by Orfées.

18 h 30 : awareness of non-violent communication by Sabine Feuillet, certified trainer of the CNVC (Center for Non-Violent Communication), at the Maison commune des pipistrelles de la Durance.

From 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. : the Games Trailer, launched by the single-purpose intercommunal union (Sivu) Collines-Durance, within the framework of the global territorial agreement (CTG), in partnership with the Pile & Face games library, at the associative village.

From 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. : the village of associations, in the park of the two canals, offers various stands, participatory workshops, round tables with Vivons Ensemble, the LIP, GABI, Orfées, the international association A world without war, the Departmental House for the fight against discrimination, the Amnesty International branch of Pertuis, Au Maquis de Lauris, CNV Paca, the Extinction Rebellion movement, Habitat Humanisme de Salon-de-Provence, Les Orties de Lambesc, Patasel avec le Sel, Exchange system local, the Salonais Country in transition, SOS Méditerranée, Welcome de Salon-de-Provence.

19 h: Durance choir concert.

20 h 30 : Pasapaz concert.

21 h 45 : concert by Marianne Aya Omac.


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