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Disneyland announces new prices, and it may sting

A few weeks ago, the amusement park announced put the best places for parades on sale — until now accessible for free —, making people cringe the biggest fans of Mickey's kingdom. And this week, again, since Disneyland has indicated that it is developing a new system for ticket priceswhich no longer guarantees any fixed price, and potentially much more expensive tickets.

Cheaper tickets… which will not stay that way

In recent years, the park was already operating with a system of variable… fixed rates. Indeed, if the prices were not the same during the middle of the week as on a Saturday during school holidays, once they were announced, they didn't move. A situation destined to evolve, since from now on, tickets will continue to change in price once they go on saledepending on attendance. It is therefore impossible to predict the amount to pay to treat yourself to a day or a stay.

The entertainment company promises that this system will make it possible to obtain cheaper tickets than before. And on paper, we believe them, since it is, for example, possible today to find tickets at €51, or €5 cheaper than the most affordable currently. However, as soon as the first tickets for these days go out, prices will increase exponentiallyuntil reaching astronomical sums. Perhaps a way for the company to finance its thousand and one ongoing projects…

You have to plan

Second problem with this new system, we will have to see in the very long term. Because if, in fact, some tickets are cheaper, they are for a very, very long time. Thus, we identified a small place at 50€ (during the day, for a single park, of course), January 21… 2026 ! We don't yet know what we will do that day, but obviously it could tempt more than one, since the site has extended its reservation service from 12 to 18 months. And this is perhaps where the key to success ultimately lies, plan months in advance to get by cheaply. Well, fortunately, in their immense generosity, the Disney teams still have announced a maximum price. It will therefore be necessary to count, excluding special days (Nouvel An, Halloween…) 119€ for one park, and 175 for both. Ouch. The undated tickets are, for their part, past from 130 to 144€ for the two parks. So prepare yourself for the best… like the worst!


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