Why the British Royal Guard might be forced to change its furry hats?
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Why the British Royal Guard might be forced to change its furry hats?

Will the hat so typical of the English King’s guards change? While PETA launched a campaign against this accessory on Thursday, September 12, we explain why it is controversial.

PETA has struck again. The animal rights group launched a campaign on Thursday, September 12, to replace the hats worn by the British royal’s bodyguards. The long fur hats that parade outside Buckingham Palace are once again causing controversy, and for good reason: they are made from bear fur and cost taxpayers a lot of money.

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£2,040 for the bear hat

The bill is (very) steep and inflation has clearly not spared the royal guard. In 2023, the price of the hat went from £1,560 (€1,847) to £2,040 (€2,414). In 10 years, it would be almost a billion pounds sterling that would have been used to dress the heads of the military in front of Buckingham Palace.

The price is due to the hats’ durability, water resistance and distinctive shiny look. And for good reason: they’re made from Canadian brown bear fur, specifically. But when PETA inquired about where exactly this material comes from, the British Ministry of Defense was forced to admit that it had no idea, according to the association.

But PETA has an explanation: the mammals are hunted in the wild before being resold. And it would take an entire animal for a single hat. In addition to the financial cost, there is the moral price of such a…

Read the rest of the article on Elle.fr

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