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Prince Harry: This shocking video of Meghan Markle’s husband on his mother Diana

Prince Harry recently spoke emotionally about the loss of his mother, Lady Diana, Princess of WalesIn a video made for the Scotty’s Little Soldiers association, which helps children of deceased soldiers, he shared his personal experience and delivered a strong message to grieving young people, explains the Daily Mail.

This public speaking occurs in a particular context. Since his marriage to Meghan Markle and his distance from the royal family, Prince Harry has repeatedly expressed his resentment at the lack of support which he would have received following the tragic death of his mother in 1997. This new episode seems to confirm his desire to break the silence on a subject that is still taboo and to help those who are going through a similar ordeal.

Prince Harry delivers poignant message on grief

In this touching video, Prince Harry gives a poignant testimony about his own grief. He talks about the difficulty of expressing sadness as a child.As a child, it’s so easy to convince yourself that the person you lost wants you to be sad for as long as possible to prove that you miss them. But then you realize, no, they must want me to be happy.“, he explained.

It’s the hardest thing, especially for children, I think. We don’t want to talk about it because it will make us sad, but we realize that talking about it is celebrating their life, and in fact, things become easier. […] You can’t repress your emotions forever. This is not sustainable. And it eats you from the inside.“, he then underlined, thus highlighting the need not to repress one’s emotions.

“What you have done is incredible”

In addition to his personal testimony, Prince Harry was keen to salute the remarkable work of Scotty’s Little Soldiers. The association was founded by Nikki Scott, following the death of her husband, a soldier who died in Afghanistan in 2009.Faced with her son’s grief and seeing the positive impact of family vacations on his mourning, she decided to create this structure to support the children of deceased soldiers.

Prince Harry declared his admiration for Nikki Scott’s work: “What you have done is incredible. It is truly inspiring. I’m truly honored and privileged to be a part of Scotty’s now and I’m really looking forward to us doing all we can to attract more people, more interest, raise more funds and get the word out so that more kids can get the support they desperately need.


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