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IN IMAGES, IN PICTURES. Essaouira in trance from the opening of the Gnaoua Festival

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This Thursday, June 27, the Essaouira Gnaoua and World Music Festival opens in Bab Doukkala. The kick-off, like every year, is marked by an opening parade led by the gnaoua mâalems, who strolled through the streets to meet the Souiris and festival-goers.

Each edition is certainly special, but this one is even more so: the festival is celebrating its first quarter century.

The opening was marked by a colorful spectacle, which set the tone for the three days of festivities to come.

The opening concert will follow in the evening, celebrating transatlantic brotherhood in rhythms and bringing together on the Moulay Hassan stage the mâalems Hassan Boussou and My Tayeb Dehbi with the Dumanlé Company, Nino de Los Reyes, Sergio Martinez & Ilê Aiyê.

The Gnaoua Festival, which runs until June 29 in Essaouira, promises memorable nights where feverish sounds from the four corners of the world will flood the city of the Trade Winds. In the map of international musical events, 53 concerts, including 6 fusion concerts and more than 400 artists in total.

Buika (Spain), Saint Levant (Palestine), The Brecker Brothers Band Reunion (United States), Labess (France, Algeria) and Bokanté (United States, Guadeloupe) are some of the headliners who will light up this 25th editing. Flamenco, blues, jazz, oriental music, rap, gypsy rumba, chaâbi… all styles are there.

Alongside the concerts, the 11th edition of the Human Rights Forum of the Gnaoua and World Music Festival will be held, organized in partnership with the Council of the Moroccan Community Abroad (CCME) around the current theme “Morocco, Spain, Portugal: a history with a future”.

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