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Nagui and Sonia Rolland co-sign a column calling to block the National Rally

Around eight hundred cultural and audiovisual professionals added their signature to a text published Sunday in The worldAmong them, the former Miss France and the host of “N’oubliez pas les paroles”.

“So that the France of the Enlightenment maintains a future…” A column collecting more than eight hundred signatures from professionals in the world of culture and audiovisual was published on Sunday in The world. On the initiative of the filmmakers of the Civil Society of Authors, Directors and Producers (ARP).

In this text, the authors worry about a possible victory for the National Rally on July 7, and point out the consequences that this could have on culture in France. A domain “totally absent from the programs of the extreme right”which would be “the first victim” of his accession to power.

Support from Nagui and Sonia Rolland

Among the signatories, associations and unions, teachers, producers, cinema professionals, comedians and actors (Gilles Lellouche, Isabelle Carré, Laurent Lafitte, Pascal Légitimus, Pascal Elbé, Bruno Solo, Gwendoline Hamon, Claire Nebout), directors (Cédric Klapisch), musicians (Cali, Anny Duperey). But also the host Nagui, at the head of “N’ Forget the Words” and “Taratata” on France 2. And Miss France 2000 Sonia Rolland.

The one who became an actress in the series Criminal Tropics has repeatedly expressed his hostility to the far right in the past. “We are in France, I cannot understand that it is possible that a country like ours can be led by the extreme right (…) It is insulting generations who fought for freedom of this country, for a union”she said last January in “What a time!”

Read also“The animals have done nothing to us”: Nagui and Hugo Clément committed to the cause of intensively farmed chickens

As for Nagui, in 2013, he confided on RMC “having a lot of trouble with ideas” of the extreme right, while understanding “people who can vote National Front because they are in disarray, at the end of their rope”. “The ideas of the National Front would prevent me from being at your microphone today, having grown up in France”he insisted, before raising the possibility of leaving the country if he came to power.

Privatization of public broadcasting

The forum bases its fears on the examples of Italy and Hungary, now governed by parties from the radical right. “The public audiovisual service is dismembered, cut off from a large part of its operations, directed by those close to the ruling party, privatized if possible for the benefit of large groups with equally extreme tendencies”we can read there.

“The directors of major festivals as well as those in charge of national theaters are replaced by thugs in the service of power, obeying the regime’s editorial line”, affirm the authors, who also fear the questioning of the intermittent status of spectacle and the privatization of public broadcasting. Sébastien Chenu, vice-president of the RN, recently judged that “public broadcasting no longer meets the criteria of neutrality” and is too expensive.


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