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“Even my family wasn’t in on the secret! »

Almost two years she lived in secret. “I even had to hide my real identity from my loved ones, my parents, until now. So, welcoming you here to reveal it to you, it feels strange,” jokes Daphné Bürki, as she opens the doors to the workshops in Seine-Saint-Denis where, for many months already, around a hundred people have been are active in making costumes for the various Olympic ceremonies. 3000 in total. “All unique, each tells its own story. »

We knew her as a presenter, journalist, columnist… So, finding her in this position may be surprising. But originally, Daphné Bürki comes from the world of fashion. After studying art, she began her career at Dior alongside John Galliano. It was only later that she responded to the sirens of television by joining Canal +. “As a journalist, she has a keen eye for trends and talents,” explains Thomas Jolly. She is the most valuable ally of this artistic team. »

Daphné Bürki, alongside Thomas Jolly, artistic director of the ceremonies, and Tony Estanguet, president of Paris 2024, in the costume workshops.

© Paris 2024

Both met in a bar in Châtelet, in the heart of Paris, according to the version told by Daphné. “I didn’t hesitate for long, even if it involved my life, my family… It’s not a small decision. But at the same time, it’s hard to turn down the prospect of organizing the biggest party in the world,” she explains. And adding with a laugh: “It’s rare that I say yes so quickly to a boy. »

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It will be flamboyant! Too much is not enough! »

Daphne Bürki

Together, Thomas Jolly and Daphné Bürki scoured the fashion shows, met young stylists, so that this show – “the biggest of the 21st century”, they promise – celebrates craftsmanship in all its diversity. “We are the country of fashion, so we didn’t want there to be just one person behind all the costumes. » The Louis Vuitton and Dior houses worked on several silhouettes, as well as around fifteen designers, more or less emerging.

200 dressers and 288 hair and makeup artists

Even for this extraordinary show, Daphné Bürki did not abandon her favorite things: “upcycling” and circular fashion. “All the clothes must have had a life before – some have already been seen in fashion shows or elsewhere – or have a life after, to be reused. I didn’t want people to make for the sake of making. » For the rest, room for the most boundless imagination. “What I can tell you is that it looks flamboyant. Too much is not enough! »

In this incredible project, Daphné Bürki is supported by Olivier Bériot, costume designer for theater, cinema and television. On the evening of the opening ceremony, 200 dressers and 288 hair and makeup artists will join the initial team, scattered at several strategic points on the Seine.

In just five days, serious rehearsals will begin. “But strangely, I’m not stressed. I was more so some time ago,” marvels Thomas Jolly. “However, it’s even crazier timing than for any Fashion Week,” notes Daphné Bürki, who still wants to reassure the pessimists: everything will be ready on time.


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