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Legislative elections 2024: “I call on the people who follow me to go vote and put up a barrier against the RN which is playing with fire”, rapper Oli takes a stand

the essential
After many personalities, rapper Oli from the Toulouse duo Bigflo & Oli took a stand on Instagram by calling on those who follow him to vote against the National Rally.

“I am the son of an immigrant”, these are the words that Olivio Ordonez begins a long message intended for his Instagram followers. The Toulouse rapper then recalls the journey of his father, who fled Argentina for Europe in the 80s. “If the FN had been in power at that time, I think I would not have been able to write these lines “, continues the singer.

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Oli talks about his childhood, the Sundays of multicultural exchanges in the neighborhood where he grew up with his brother Florian. He explains that he has always tried, through the texts of their songs, to “defend these values ​​of diversity, peace and tolerance”. This is why faced with the hypothetical arrival of the RN at the head of government, the Toulouse resident could not remain silent.

“I remember my father’s shock and tears in 2002 in front of Le Pen’s results,” he recalls in this text. Although “drunk with the political and media world of recent years”, Olivio calls on the people who follow him to “go VOTE and put a barrier against the RN which is playing with fire, diverting the doubts of part of the population and fuels the division of our beautiful country.”


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