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“I cried with joy when I left because I was understood,” assures Edeha Noire

The “Drag Race France” maxi ball challenge, centered on couture, was fatal for Edeha Noire. In the hot seat at the end of this ordeal, the 34-year-old queen from Lyon finally lost to Ruby On The Nail at the end of the third episode broadcast Friday on France 2. But the non-binary trans artist confided to 20 minutes have no regrets and be happy to have been able to send messages through your participation. Particularly on the fact that a queer person can, like her, become a parent.

Do you have any regrets about being eliminated during the “ball” episode, even though you have a reputation for having a creative mind?

I have a lot of designs in mind, I’m always a ball of ideas, that’s why I self-sabotage. Do I have any regrets? No. I understood that I was not capable of doing what was asked of me. It’s not serious. I did my best and I’m proud to have presented something. Like my sisters [les autres candidates], I didn’t sleep all night to finish my outfit. And, even though it didn’t look like much, I made sure to embody it as best as possible.

When did you realize that this challenge would be more difficult than expected?

I was aware of this at the time, when making the outfits. I didn’t tell the others, I didn’t want to make them understand that I was panicking. I didn’t want to communicate my stress to them or encroach on their space. When Nicky [Doll, l’animatrice] came to see us while we were preparing our outfits, I knew it was going to be complicated, that I was not fully capable of achieving what I was planning. I knew I was in trouble, so during the parade, I tried my best to embody my character since I am a theatrical queen. I hoped it could save me.

If you could go back in time and do something differently, what would you change?

I would perhaps avoid sleeping for twenty minutes (laughs). I will make sure I have better preparation. Before the shoot, I did a lot of things, I created a lot of wigs, I worked on the whole design of the outfits. If I had to do it again, I would take a step back for myself, to take it easy and approach the show more calmly.

What would you have liked to show of yourself in the rest of the adventure?

I’m so happy with what happened. I was able to talk about all the subjects that excite me the most. Even though I didn’t show off all my looks, people surrounded me. Things have changed in my life since then, but everything on screen is who I was during filming. I cried with joy when I left because I was understood.

Things have evolved, that is to say?

I’m still careful not to talk about it in detail, but seeing myself on screen made me take a lot of perspective. Those who attend the “Drag Race France” tour will understand what I’m talking about when they see my act.

You revealed that you were the “mom 3” of a little girl that you conceived with a couple of friends. Have you had a lot of feedback from the public on this subject?

I got a lot of feedback during the viewing parties [les visionnages collectifs des épisodes] and I received lots of messages of support. I didn’t expect my testimony to have such an impact. The people who spoke to me about it confided in me their desires for parenthood. It was important to me to show that it is possible. Even if there are still many things to change in terms of laws to facilitate same-sex parenting. Some people, especially young people aged 18 to 25, came to me in tears and thanked me for bringing this message, that we could be queer and parents.

Before leaving the set, you said “Vincent, marry me!” “. Vincent is your companion. Did he say yes?

The short story is that Vincent was not aware of this and discovered this during the viewing party that I hosted on Friday at Chromatique in Lyon. It was a big surprise for him, there were a lot of tears and… there was a “yes”.

Everything you need to know about Drag race France

Obviously, I made my request to him about public service in front of the whole of France (laughs). We will get married in the summer of 2025 and I already know I will wear a white dress.

Where can the public see you next?

I will be at Biarritz Pride on June 29, it will be the same day as the Paris Pride March, and I am happy to participate. I’m going to go all over France but Lyon remains my heart city, my priority is to make things happen there. I host a viewing party there every Friday evening, at Chromatique.


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