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VIDEO Sophie Davant eclipsed by Cyril Hanouna on Europe 1: he explains, she says goodbye expressly

For a week, politics has continued to scrutinize the news. In this context, Europe 1 has decided to urgently review its schedule.

Two weeks before the end of the season, Sophie Davant finds herself deprived of her 4 p.m./6 p.m. The station has decided to cancel its daily show, Sophie & Friends, for the benefit of a new topical meeting. This one, baptized We walk on the headwas entrusted to Cyril Hanouna from Monday June 17, 2024.

Cyril Hanouna justifies his arrival in place of Sophie Davant on Europe 1

A few hours before the launch of his new daily challenge, the host, with whom Kelly Vedovelli settled accounts, was the guest of Morandini Live on CNews. Jean-Marc Morandini asked him if he had been called back by Europe 1 to “raise the audiences”. The star presenter of Do not touch My TV assured that this was not the case.

News is politics. We think that Europe 1 listeners want to know what’s going on and what happened all weekend. Today, there is not an hour when something does not happen in politics. We could do a common thread all day!, he argued. The host of Morandini Live then wanted to make him react to comments made by Enora Malagré.

The ancient figure of TPMP said to herself “shocked” that Sophie & Friendsa show for which she is a columnist, is so brutally ousted. “Because they couldn’t say goodbye to their listeners. There is Sophie Davant who will come later at the start of the show and will speak. We have also heard a lot of things about that. ..”commented Cyril Hanouna.

A young girl tells false information. She says she’s seen messages being circulated, but it’s unbearable! I spoke to Sophie Davant on Friday evening on the phone. She just asked me: ‘Can I come on Monday?’ I told her: ‘With pleasure Sophie, you will come and say goodbye to the listeners!“, he added, annoyed. He also confessed that Sophie Davant was wondering about her future on Europe 1.

What future for Sophie Davant on Europe 1?

She just wonders what will happen at the start of the school year. After me, I don’t know what will happen at the start of the school year. I don’t have the audiences of Europe 1. I don’t know if they are happy or not with what happens in the afternoon. There you go, I’m not the program director of Europe 1. They asked me to come for 15 days and I’m doing it because it also makes me laugh. I want to do this current affairs show!“, concluded the one who closed the season of Do not touch My TV Thursday June 13 on C8.

As announced by Cyril Hanouna a little earlier today, Sophie Davant was present at the premiere ofWe walk on the head. “And yes, you understand, we are changing the program in the afternoon on Europe 1 due to political news. The management of the channel has decided to devote these two hours to debates and exchanges in view of the legislative elections which will be held in two weeks now”she immediately told the listeners of Sophie & Friends.

The one who now lives her love with William Leymergie in broad daylight then welcomed Cyril Hanouna. “I kiss the listeners who followed me throughout the year, I will meet them at the start of the school year. And just to tell you that I had a wonderful year with you”she declared before wishing “good luck” to the star host of Do not touch My TV for these two weeks which “may be hectic”.


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