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Marion Cotillard “fuck the “Nazional Front””

Lhe stars have not remained silent since the evening of the European elections which saw the National Rally win 31.4% of the votes while the party of the presidential majority did half as much and Emmanuel Macron decided to dissolve the Assembly national in the process. Marion Cotillard sides with Marcus Thuram or even Squeezie: Marine Le Pen’s party will not have her vote.

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Unlike the footballer of the French team and the YouTuber followed by 19 million people, the Oscar-winning actress has obviously already “blocked” in the past, and this dates back to 1992 and the regional and cantonal elections which took place at the end of March this year. At the time, it was not Marine Le Pen (nor Jordan Bardella who was not yet born), but Jean-Marie Le Pen, honorary president of the National Rally until 2018 when his daughter took over. excluded after a vote by members.

READ ALSO “I am against the extremes”, Kylian Mbappé in turn takes a standHe was then the leader of the party that he had founded in 1972, under the name of National Front, with a few friends: the former Waffen-SS Pierre Bousquet; the former Pétain militiaman François Brigneau; former Waffen-SS Léon Gaultier; and Victor Barthélémy, a leading member of Jacques Doriot’s French Popular Party, who had assisted French police during the Vél’ d’Hiv roundup.

A distant dam

The father of the current leader of the far-right party then took a gamble on establishing his ideas through the ballot box. A lost bet, since on the evening of the second round, the National Front obtained a single elected official in the Alpes-Maritimes and three advisors throughout France.

In addition to the fratricidal war with his party dissident Bruno Mégret, Jean-Marie Le Pen had to face a surge in the population to counter his takeover. Thirty-two years later, the situation has changed a lot and the Le Pen family party, which has managed to make itself presentable even if its support remains the same, is leading the polls. It was not a demonstration sign that Marion Cotillard brought out, but a badge, which she displayed clearly on her denim jacket pocket: “Youth FUCK the Nazional front”. In addition to the cover of the Bérurier Noirs song, we can read “Tours 18.3.92” above.

The actress ofInception did not add any comments to his post.

The early legislative elections will take place on June 30 and July 7. It remains to be seen whether, as in 1992, the French population will want to stand up to the FN. Or if Emmanuel Macron will preside on July 14 and then open the Olympic Games alongside Jordan Bardella as Prime Minister and Éric Ciotti as Minister of the Interior.


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