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Legislative elections 2024: what results for the four RN deputies from the Pyrénées-Orientales after two years in office?

Like the 573 other deputies, the four RN deputies from the Pyrénées-Orientales in Parliament ended their mandate this Sunday, June 9, 2024, with the announcement by the President of the Republic of the dissolution of the National Assembly. The next legislative elections will take place on June 30 and July 7. Until then, an update on two years of office.

As the 16th legislature ends prematurely, with the announcement of the dissolution of the National Assembly by the President of the Republic, legislative elections with an express campaign are being prepared for June 30 and July 7. The four National Rally deputies, Sophie Blanc, Sandrine Dogor-Such, Michèle Martinez and Anaïs Sabatini will run again, after a short first term of barely two years. What conclusions can be drawn from this mandate? The Independent takes stock, in figures*.

  • Sophie Blanc and the 105 amendments

The deputy for the first constituency of Pyrénées-Orientales has 61 weeks of activity in the National Assembly. The activity is recorded if the MP is found present in committee, spoke in the chamber, or participated in a public vote. She proposed 105 amendments, was part of the standing committee on cultural affairs and education, and participated in other committees such as the modernization of audiovisual broadcasting or intermunicipal cooperation, for which she made 73 interventions . Sophie Blanc has participated in several study groups including private education, prisons and prison conditions, or medical deserts and access to care.

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She wrote 54 questions to the government, on subjects such as defibrillators that do not work, universal national service, or copyright protection. She also asked five oral questions, all relating to the Pyrénées-Orientales, with the drought, the closure of the Banyuls pass, or the police resources in the department. In the hemicycle, there are only 30 long interventions, i.e. interventions of more than 20 words.

  • Anaïs Sabatini invested in prostitution

Anaïs Sabatini, deputy for the 2nd constituency, was more present than her predecessor, since she has had 70 weeks of activity since her election. She was present in committee 84 times. She co-signed 86 legislative proposals, asked 62 written questions and 2 oral questions to the government. The MP was part of the standing committee on economic affairs, and of the commissions of inquiry into shortcomings in child protection policies and intermunicipal cooperation. She barely spoke in the chamber, with 19 long speeches recorded.

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She was president of the study group on prostitution and participated in those concerning the brewing industry, the coast, tourism and heritage, vines, wine and oenology, road safety, municipal police, cancer and Alzheimer’s.

  • Sandrine Dogor-Such, the most diligent

Compared to her colleagues from other constituencies in the P.-O., the member of the 3 is the most diligent in the Assembly: 73 weeks of activities, 152 presences in committees, 140 interventions in committee, 122 long interventions in the hemicycle… On the committee side, she was a member of the standing committee for social affairs, as well as the special committee for the examination of the bill relating to support for the sick and the end of life, and of the delegation for rights of the child.

She asked three oral questions to the government about the Cerdanya border hospital, the modernization of the RN116 and palliative care.

  • Michèle Martinez, the least present

The member for the 4th constituency, Michèle Martinez, has spent 57 weeks in the Assembly, less than her colleagues. She was also less present in committee, 78 times, and therefore spoke less, 26 times. She recorded 39 long interventions in the hemicycle, and asked four oral questions on housing in the Pyrénées-Orientales, the upgrading of pensions, the fight against insecurity and the cost of heating.

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Michèle Martinez was a member of the permanent commission on defense, and participated in the commission relating to the provision of equipment for rural areas as well as in working groups on the coast, hydrotherapy, vines and prostitution.

IVG: Dogor-Such abstains
Minimum wage at €1,500: 3 out of 4 against

One of the major societal issues of this 16th legislature concerns the inclusion of voluntary termination of pregnancy in the constitution. The Congress met last March, and the parliamentarians of the National Assembly and the Senate spoke in favor of this inscription. Concerning the deputies of the P.-O., Sophie Blanc, Michèle Martinez and Anaïs Sabatini voted for, while Sandrine Dogor-Such preferred to abstain.

On the social side, Sandrine Dogor-Such, Anaïs Sabatini and Sophie Blanc all voted against the increase in the minimum wage to €1,500, an amendment tabled by the Socialists group as part of the bill for the protection of the power of purchase presented by the government which the three deputies however validated. Michèle Martinez did not participate in the vote.

On the security side, in December 2023, the four Catalan deputies, like all the RN representatives, voted for Gérald Darmanin’s immigration law.

On health issues, Anaïs Sabatini voted for the exclusion of kitchen utensils in the text concerning the ban on the use of eternal pollutants, as did Sandrine Dogor-Such. The latter also abstained with regard to the proposed law aimed at limiting the diffusion of eternal pollutants.

* These data come from the sites, and which combine data from the National Assembly site and the Official Journal.

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