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Brittany. High school cooks train with two starred chefs

Launched by the Region in 2020, the action plan in favor of eating well in the 116 Breton public high schools results in quality purchases from local producers but also in the training of catering teams, who are required to to cook fresh, labeled and seasonal products every day.

Eighty chefs met, Wednesday June 12, 2024, at the Rennes Culinary Center, alongside two starred chefs, Nicolas Carro (Hôtel de Carantec) and Andrée Rosier (Les Rosiers restaurant in Biarritz), to continue to train in new practices, particularly vegetarian recipes.

Andrée Rosier, crowned Best Worker in France (MOF) in 2007, set about cooking to concoct a recipe of her own, supported by an intervention on the greening of the collective catering offer.

53,000 guests every lunchtime

This strong ambition of the Brittany Region, manager of high schools, in favor of eating well in high schools was confirmed with the creation of the Breizh Achats center last May. This new tool, built in partnership with the four Breton departments, will allow 325 middle and high schools to access a wider choice of quality foods. The first calls for tenders will be launched before summer in order to pool purchases of fresh meats and cold meats in Côtes-d’Armor and Finistère.

Breton public high school canteens serve nine million meals per year. Every lunchtime, 53,000 guests are fed and served by regional agents in 96 restaurants. Meals are 70% financed by the Region, which represents an expense of 24 million euros per year. The price of the meal for the student varies from €2.70 to €4.60. There are 33% labeled products on the plates, including 21% organic products.


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