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Letter of apology to Réjean Tremblay and his wife

Julie Betrand, Réjean Tremblay’s wife, was ultimately right: life is better in Florida than in Quebec.

We must apologize to Madame Bertrand. She was right all along, especially when we see to what extent Montreal is in complete disarray. Quebec is in free fall, and we should take inspiration from Florida to get Quebec back on track. We should never have made fun of his words.

We thought we had witnessed the most awkward interview of the year between Denis Lévesque, Réjean Tremblay, and his partner, Julie Bertrand. But in the end, this interview is the plain and simple truth today.

The couple admitted preferring Florida to Quebec because there, they are not judged for their wealth.

“Me here, I can drive my beautiful Audi convertible without being judged”affirmed Julie Bertrand.

“In Quebec, if employees see the boss arriving in a Ferrari, they will say that they have been F**KED. It’s so sad,” she added.

We must admit that she is right. Money makes you uncomfortable in Quebec. I was able to realize this after my interview at BPM Sports, where Hockey30’s revenue seemed to bother people to no end.

Julie Bertrand and Réjean Tremblay were right from the start: life in Florida is much better than in Quebec. Their choice to settle in Florida is not only a question of personal preference, but a demonstration of the undeniable advantages that this state offers compared to the Quebec province.

This interview with Denis Lévesque, which was wrongly ridiculed, shed light on the reasons why Julie Bertrand and Réjean Tremblay prefer Florida to Quebec.

From the first exchanges, it was obvious that the interview highlighted the advantages of living in Florida. Julie Bertrand, far from being a simple retiree, appeared active and dynamic, wearing a summery pink dress and affirming that she trains regularly. This image contrasts sharply with the often stereotypical perception of retirees.

Réjean Tremblay, for his part, emphasized the practical and comfortable aspects of life in Florida.

“The advantage here is that we have 3,000 channels on TV,” he said, highlighting the diversity and richness of entertainment offerings in the United States.

But beyond leisure, Julie and Réjean highlighted a crucial point: the freedom to live without judgment. In Florida, they can enjoy their money without feeling uncomfortable.

The interview was also an opportunity for the couple to provide constructive criticism of Quebec. They spoke about the problems of the health system, the complex of Quebecers facing wealth and the closed mentality that can reign.

After seeing the Grand Prix fiasco and the international shame it caused, let’s say that it is true that we need a change in attitudes and mentalities. In Quebec, we were born for nothing and that must stop.

We said this interview was uncomfortable, but in reality it opened our eyes to a truth that many prefer to ignore.

Florida offers a quality of life that Quebec struggles to match. The ability to live without being judged for your financial success is a significant advantage. In addition, the milder climate and the many activities available make life more pleasant.

Julie Bertrand and Réjean Tremblay showed us that it is possible to live a fulfilled life free of judgment in Florida.

Their choice to leave Quebec during the winter is not a simple escape, but an active search for a better quality of life.

Their criticism of Quebec is not gratuitous, it is the reflection of a reality that deserves reflection. For those seeking a life without constraints, where success is celebrated and not judged, Florida seems to be an ideal destination.

Perhaps we should have listened to their arguments and considered how to improve our own society based on their experience.

Réjean Tremblay also commented on the situation in Montreal in one of his recent columns, which further reinforces their choice to live in Florida.

Réjean Tremblay now calls Montreal, “Conesville”. And calls Valérie Plante the “Chief Cone”. Scathing. And the journalist doesn’t stop there.

“After the Steven Butler fight, I was chatting with the German manager and coach of Osleys Iglesias and being polite and considerate in advance, they told me that they had been disappointed by Montreal, that it was a dirty city and that they were harassed everywhere by strange zombies.” (credit: BPM Sports)

Tremblay expressed his shame at this situation, especially after thousands of F1 fans were stopped by the SPVM in the metro or on the sidewalks leading to the circuit, being wrongly told that the tests were canceled.

This error caused massive discontent, compounded by the fact that the cancellation was really just a delay.

A report by English journalist Kym Ullman, viewed by more than a million people on YouTube, highlighted this incredible error. A global shame.

“In the evening, the henchmen of the Cone in Chief hit Ferreira and Alexandre and two other famous restaurants on Rue Peel. You know the story and you know that like in La Fontaine’s fable, two donkeys are sacrificed… With full pay .”

Julie Bertrand and Réjean Tremblay were mocked and criticized by all of Quebec after their interview with Denis Lévesque last February.

Their strong opinions and passionate defense of life in Florida sparked many negative reactions. However, today, it is clear that they were right.

The chaos that marked Montreal during the Grand Prix and poor management of the events highlighted the city’s deep problems.

Tremblay’s criticisms of the city’s filth and disturbing behavior encountered by foreign visitors can no longer be ignored. Their prediction of this fiasco was spot on. As if they knew about the disaster before it happened.

Julie Bertrand gave a moving interview to Nathalie Normandeau on 98.5 FM. During this conversation, Madame Bertrand gave free rein to her emotions, bursting into tears as she expressed her shock at the wave of mockery and sometimes hatred that she suffered on social networks after her interview with Denis Lévesque.

Quebec did not accept her comments about the fact that Quebecers were self-conscious about the wealth of others, that she loved Florida because she could drive her Audi convertible at 140 kilometers per hour without worrying about the judgment of the others or speed tickets.

Hearing her interview, we realize to what extent Julie Bertrand is completely different from the image of the woman who emerged in the interview with Lévesque.

She shared her feelings of surprise and sadness at the violence of the reactions online.

“These people don’t know me, don’t know who I am. It’s scary to see all this intimidation,” she confided. She explained how she tried to weather the storm, comparing her experience to that of a biker braving the elements.

During this interview with Lévesque, the public focused largely on superficial aspects, notably Madame Bertrand’s cleavage, triggering a series of derogatory comments.

However, behind this apparent lightness hid a much more poignant reality. Julie Bertrand revealed that today was the last day she could allow herself to show her chest, as she had to undergo an operation to remove part of her breast, as part of her fight against breast cancer, a disease against which she has been fighting for many years.

“At 36, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I had surgery last Thursday. My doctor reworked a DIEP. It is a reconstruction of a breast after removal following cancer,” she explained. His revelation transformed mocking laughter into a profound reflection on compassion and sensitivity towards others.

The interview deeply touched those who listened to it, giving rise to a feeling of regret and sadness in some, realizing the extent of the harm inflicted by superficial and cruel judgments.

We include ourselves among those who have regrets. Madame Bertrand was made fun of by saying that she had created the malaise of the year, because we felt that she despised Quebec and Quebecers.

But listening to her interview, we realize what an authentic woman she is, who made the mistake of passing judgment, when deep down, she just wanted to say her opinion.

Julie Bertrand courageously shared her story, breaking the silence on the real challenges she faces, and reminding us that behind every appearance lie complex and often painful stories.

“I’ll be prepared next time. I underestimated the cleavage. Because I wanted…because it was the last time I saw my chest like that,” she confessed.

His approach reminds us of the fragility of human beings and the importance of showing compassion and understanding, even when we are tempted by superficiality and hasty judgment. Julie Bertrand was very courageous to give this interview to Nathalie Normandeau.

Today, we must admit that we are speechless at the accuracy of their observations. Julie Bélanger and Réjean Tremblay dared to say out loud what many were quietly thinking, and today, the facts prove them right.

Their choice to settle in Florida, initially perceived as a betrayal, now appears to be an informed decision. Their voice, once mocked, today resonates as a call to action for a better Quebec.

Today, Réjean Tremblay and Julie Bertrand have their revenge. They were right all along…


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