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VIDEOS Prince Louis cropped by his sister Charlotte and his father William because of his behavior

By Claire Legrand | Editor

A journalist of Belarusian origin, Claire has worked at Purepeople since 2019. An unconditional fan of the Sex And The City series, she also knows most of the RnB sounds of the 90s and 2000s by heart. Blue flower and eternal romantic, she is interested in everything particularly to the love lives of stars.

This Saturday, June 15, 2024, the famous “Trooping the Color” ceremony takes place. And this edition has a very special meaning since two members of the monarchy, Kate Middleton and Charles III, are affected by cancer. Among the highlights of this day, Prince Louis who was called to order.

VIDEOS Prince Louis cropped by his sister Charlotte and his father William because of his behavior

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Trooping the Color (salute to the colors), is a military gathering dating from 1748 and aimed at celebrating the official birthday of the British sovereign. This parade takes place at Horse Guards Parade every year during the second Saturday in June. And for this edition, surprise, the whole clan is present: Charles III, Queen Camilla, Prince William, Kate Middleton and their children George, Charlotte, Louis… And if the latter seemed relatively stressed in the carriage , the little boy was much more turbulent during the military parade of the horse guards and once he arrived at the balcony of Buckingham Palace…

A little tired by all the stupidities of her younger brother, Charlotte reframed him twice. First, she gave him asked to stop dancing and wiggle while they were at the window during the parade of the horse guards and a second time just before the national anthem was performed when they were on the balcony of Buckingham Palace. Concerned that her little brother behaves well for this important moment, she gave him another little tap so that he gets back upright. She was subsequently followed by their dad who had to raise his voice slightly with the little boy…

At the end of the parade, Louis, who was turning a little too much towards his father, was treated to a little trick from the latter who pretended to show him something to the public so that he would continue to look straight ahead. .

Of course, this in no way tainted the celebration and the enthusiasm of the public and the royal family for this event which brought together the members of the Windsor clan. The Princess of Wales today made a triumphant return to public life, despite her treatment for cancer, by joining the royal family to celebrate the King’s official birthday.

Kate and Charles reunited at Trooping the Color

Her presence had been questioned after she missed the last rehearsal of the Trooping the Color organized last weekend, confirmation of his presence having only been given at 7 p.m. yesterday. Kate was surrounded by other family members: her husband Prince William, Colonel of the Welsh Guards, on horseback, as well as Princess Anne, Colonel of the Blues and Royals, and Prince Edward, Colonel of the Scots Guards.

For his part, King Charles III – who also suffers from cancer – also traveled by carriage with Queen Camilla and inspected the officers and guards on the Horse Guards Parade in Whitehall from the carriage rather than on horseback.


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