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Roussillon: the cultural season opens at the Tara estate

Guillaume and Rose-Anne Vermersch, the new owners of the Tara estate, are determined to enrich the artistic aspect of their wine estate. Their plan is to develop wine tourism, but also to welcome artists in residence with theater actors, sculptors and painters. This responds favorably to the expectations of André Modot, president of the E dans l’O “Œ” association which has been organizing exhibitions in the estate’s cellar for several years. “I always thought that art and wine could go together”he said.

This association, whose headquarters is in Lioux, was born in 2012 from an encounter with the Quebec artistic world, hence its name (O for Olivier and E for Erable). It has a dual cultural and charitable vocation.

To open the season, Cécile Hürlimann, a Swiss artist who lives and works in Goult, was chosen. She has two passions: painting and music. Today, she no longer plays the piano, but music, especially that of Debussy, accompanies her when she paints. “I need music because it’s inspiring, but painting is my life and a painter’s life is to show.”

After the Academy of Fine Arts in Lucerne, it was in Paris that she expressed herself as a graphic designer and children’s illustrator with children’s books. But after a few years, she returned to painting for ink and watercolor drawings, several of which are part of the current exhibition at the Domaine de Tara. She chose large formats that are both abstract and realistic where everyday objects are very present. Cécile Hürlimann had already presented some of these works in the cellar of the Domaine de Tara, and this new exhibition stimulated her in her projects.

She is currently preparing new creations, always in large formats and to the notes of Debussy’s music.


Address: 2005 route de Gordes, in Roussillon. Contact on 04 90 05 74 87.


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