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Geetanjali Shree, the voice of a woman in India

Winner of the International Booker Prize 2022 and the Warwick Prize for Women in Translation for her novel Ret samadhi (editions des femmes-Antoinette Fouque, 2020, 2023), Geetanjali Shree is known for her innovative language and literary structure. His works have been translated into many languages, including English and French.

Maï, a hidden woman © Editions des Femmes

Translated from Hindi by Annie Montaut.

A mother, faithful to traditions, seen by her daughter in search of emancipation and modernity.

“The discreet Maï is devoted to her fickle husband, to her difficult and authoritarian in-laws, as well as to her children. But who is hiding behind this veil which so revolts her daughter Sounaina? Through her insightful eyes, we discover the daily life of this Indian family and the web of images and events centered around Maï. Despite Sounaina’s encouragement to oppose the absurd injunctions of the older generation, Maï, like so many other erased women. by patriarchal authority, chooses to sacrifice himself for family happiness and respect for traditions. It is in the silence of Maï that the eloquence of the weak is revealed, and in his immeasurable vulnerability, his infinite strength. (Presentation of editions of Women)


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