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Aerial works to receive every month in your mailbox

We receive them wrapped in a large folded poster. The stamp is designed by a guest artist, and the interior not only reveals a quote but also contains the “volatile” in question, flying object made using a cut sheet of polystyrene.

It swirls, it hovers or it dives straight down… Each model has its own throw. You often have to adapt your gesture to see it cut through the air, admire its calm and majestic fall in your living room or, better, in a stairwell.

Poetic objects with a variable trajectory

“I try to bring lightness to the fall, a little magic. »

If the principle takes us back to the paper airplanes of our childhood, the form, poetic, always inspired by nature – tree leaves or bird silhouettes – sometimes weighted with mirror paper to better direct the flight trajectory. This surprising project is the fruit of five years of research carried out by the young visual artist Pierre Klein since his studies at ENSCI (National School of Industrial Creation).

On the left, the fifth series of Enveloped Volatiles. On the right, the inside of the envelope containing a text by Caroline Thiery from her book “The machine that turns when I crawl” (2023) as well as a bird by Pierre Klein


© Adagp, Paris 2024 / Pierre Klein

“I started from a collection of winged seeds called samaras in botany. I observed their movement and tried to reproduce them on paper to find these phenomena of rotation, suspension, flight. It was born from a desire to play with gravity », he confides to us, editing 40 copies, almost every month, a new bird to order via your Instagram account. “We are used to seeing things fall and break. I try to bring lightness to the fall, a little magic. »

The magic of a slow and light fall

And it works. The phenomenon amazes… “When I throw a bird, people stop breathing in surprise – at all ages.” For some time now, the creator (also a teacher at ENSCI and Atelier de Sèvres) has extended this project to performance, programming small shows where, from the top of a ladder, he projects loose leaves, confetti or cutouts to a collaborator below who keeps them suspended in the air or throws them back to him using astonishing tools – of infinite poetry.


The birds of Pierre Klein

To order on his Instagram account.


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