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“I can’t imagine doing that” Christopher Nolan confesses that he couldn’t make this now legendary trilogy

Culture news “I can’t imagine doing that” Christopher Nolan confesses that he couldn’t make this now legendary trilogy

Published on 06/09/2024 at 10:54 p.m.

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Christopher Nolan, director of a cinematic classic, admits to not being able to direct a certain trilogy that has become legendary. He expresses his admiration for this masterpiece while recognizing his own limitations.

Renowned filmmaker Christopher Nolan is responsible for some of the most influential works of modern cinema. Although he directed the Batman trilogy “The Dark Knight”, which redefined the superhero film genre, he confesses that he could never make a trilogy like “The Lord of the Rings”. Despite the director’s talent, the filming conditions for this feature film are “impossible” for him.

Peter Jackson on the set of Lord of the Rings

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Why Nolan couldn’t direct ‘The Lord of the Rings’

Nolan deeply admires Peter Jackson’s work on “The Lord of the Rings” because of the complexity and scale of the project. For him, what this director did was completely different. He had the whole story for all three films. Plus, he was physically capable of filming the whole thing in one go.

I can’t imagine doing this myself. It is one of the great successes of cinema

Jackson filmed all three films simultaneously, a monumental logistical and creative task. This approach requires a clear vision and careful planning to maintain narrative and visual coherence. Moreover, in a documentary on the shooting which was released in 2003, we learn that he only slept an average of four hours per night during this period! Although additional scenes were filmed later, the bulk of the three films was captured in just one year. Nolan, despite being a talented director with a great ability to handle complex projects, prefers to focus on one film at a time. He finds difficult to imagine managing the enormous workload and technical challenges involved in shooting three films simultaneously. His creative process, which often includes adjustments during production, contrasts with Jackson’s approach.

Christopher Nolan on the set of Oppenheimer

The influence of Peter Jackson on Nolan’s work

Despite his inability to envisage a project of the magnitude of “The Lord of the Rings”, Nolan recognizes the influence of this trilogy on his own works. He drew inspiration not only from “The Dark Knight”, but also from films like “Inception”. In an interview with The New York Times, he admitted that Jackson’s trilogy and other great fantasy works like “Star Wars” shaped his narrative approach. These influences are visible in the complexity of the worlds he creates and the depth of his stories. Nolan explained that the scale and scope of Jackson’s films showed him what was possible in terms of storytelling and cinematic technique.

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