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Côtes-d’Armor: with “Hidden Faces”, already a second novel for this 18-year-old writer


Pascal Cayeux

Published on

June 4, 2024 at 4:18 p.m.

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We don’t stop anymore Enora Guérinel. Or rather if, for a while anyway, “I’m going to take a break, priority on studies for the moment,” she smiles.

At 15while she was still a schoolgirl, she wrote and published “SOS”, her first novel published in 2021.

Three years later, at 18, she has just come out “Hidden faces” published by Numéro 7, “the story, against a backdrop of romance, of an 18-year-old young man whose father was imprisoned for a murder of which he claims to be innocent. The son will carry out his own investigation to uncover the truth,” explains the woman who is now studying Law at the Faculty of Rennes.

A second, longer novel to finalize

“But this second book is not a thriller,” she says, as if to avoid any mix of genres between her literary production and her desire to become a magistrate, “investigating judge, I would like it.” The young girl of Plouër/Rancenear Dinan (Côtes-d’Armor) knows there is still a long way to go to get there, and the academic work to be done is voluminous.

Nevertheless, her passion for writing remains intact, “I hope to come back to it, but later, in any case I won’t forbid myself anything,” she breathes.

At his age, “Hidden Faces” is obviously not the book of maturity as is too often said in literary circles, much more that of perseverance, “because I had already started it when the first was out and I would have found it a shame not to finish it.

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But when she had written “SOS” in one go, this time she had to take breaks in writing her second novel, “it took longer to finalize, I reread it seven times, proceeded for retouching and corrections.

For a final result that satisfies her, a book in which she addresses themes that are dear to her, “youth, excess, the search for identity…”.


In any case, she hopes for this second opus the same success as for the first, sold nearly 800 copies“not bad for a first attempt,” she smiles, without the slightest obsession with numbers.

She prefers by far the numerous meetings “during the signing sessions, the fascinating exchanges with readers who spoke to me about the book, and sometimes even identified with it”.

Enora Guérinel has planned other signing sessions, the next one on Saturday June 8, 2024 at the Intermarché in Pleurtuit (Ille-et-Vilaine).

“Hidden faces”, published by Numéro 7, priced at €19.90. The book is available in most bookstores as well as on platforms (Amazon, Fnac, etc.).

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