DayFR Euro

“The Best Bakery in France”: Maison Nochez de Carantec wins its place in the regional final

“We are very, very happy! » Obviously, a few minutes after the end of the broadcast, Cyrille Nochez does not hide his joy. The bakers were judged on several criteria: the store, a favorite product, a signature bread and a challenge. Each test is marked out of 10.

We worked hard all day. We expect fallout from this Tuesday morning.

A “crush” for the favorite product

And in this game, it was in particular the Breizh Tart’s of Cyrille Nochez and his son, Geoffrey, which won over the sworn chefs, Bruno Cormerais, Meilleur Ouvrier de France, and Noëmie Honiat, pastry chef and finalist of “Top Chief “. A real “favorite” for one, a “jewelry pie” for the second. Both gave it an excellent rating of 10/10.

A creation specially imagined for the occasion, deliciously mixing apple and buckwheat. “We worked a lot on it,” assures the baker, who describes “a buckwheat praline, an apple juice caramel, a buckwheat popcorn…”

“We worked hard all day. We expect repercussions tomorrow [mardi] morning,” smiles Cyrille Nochez, who will be on deck even earlier than usual. “We prepared 500 Breizh Tart’s for Tuesday. The tart bases are ready! »

At Queen Anne, “we loved it”

“It was great, we loved it. It’s a very good experience. No regrets,” assures, for his part, François Colleteur of À La Reine Anne, who still received a good score of 7.5 compared to the 8.5 of Maison Nochez.

The Morlaisian baker even enjoys being portrayed throughout the show as the “cool boss”. “That’s how I was taught to work, that’s how I pass it on,” says François Colleteur.

A place in the regional final

With this victory, the Carantec bakers won their place for the regional final, broadcast this Friday, June 7, which brings together the winners of the week. “The filming took place just after and we were decided on all of our tests,” explains Cyrille Nochez, who does not reveal more. Answer this Friday, from 6:40 p.m.…


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