DayFR Euro

Little Thumb who made Amy Winehouse and Muse known in France

– Kem Lalot, the last album you listened to over and over?

Iliumthe first album by Black Pumas but also the album by Slift and Letter to SelfSprints, a young punk rock group that we took the risk of programming to open the main stage on Saturday July 6.

– What title will make you happy?

Immensity, by Andrea Laszlo De Simone. Two years ago at the Trans Musicales in Rennes, dragged by my partner, I took a monumental slap.

– The album you would take to a desert island?

It’s Alivethe double album, marking the Ramones, of rare intensity.

– The song you are ashamed to listen to?

– In the 1980s, I was lulled by the radio. I know some pop songs by heart but I wasn’t really ashamed of them.

– Which group will give you the thrill thirty years later?

– The Beastie Boys which I would have loved to program. Unfortunately, this will never happen because one of the members of the trio, Adam Yauch, died in 2012.

– The song to make you cry?

Teardropa slightly sad title from Massive Attack, with the beautiful voice of Liz Fraser, which I could suggest to my partner for my funeral.

– The group you would have liked to be part of?

– I would have liked to be the drummer for Kiss, a group that had an impact on me during my hard rock period, for its grand comedy side and big tours.

– The artist that everyone loves and you hate?

– I’m going to make enemies (laughs). No, there isn’t really an artist I hate. I sometimes program artists (especially headliners) that I don’t like but it’s important that people can see them in the area. If I only programmed the groups I like, the festival would have gone bankrupt a long time ago or the gauge would have to be significantly lowered.


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