Here Are the Questions to Ask Yourself to Find Out If You’re a Helicopter Parent, According to a Psychologist
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Here Are the Questions to Ask Yourself to Find Out If You’re a Helicopter Parent, According to a Psychologist

Are you what is known as a helicopter parent? This is a question many parents ask themselves, fearing that they are overprotective of their children. In an article by PsychologyTodaypublished September 10, psychologist Mary Ann Little lists 12 questions parents should ask themselves to determine whether they should consider themselves helicopter parents. “If you answered ‘yes’ to most of these questions, you may be a helicopter parent. If so, it’s probably a good idea to rethink your parenting posture and consider changing the way you interact with your child.”explains the specialist.

Here is a list of questions that Mary Ann Little believes parents need to ask themselves:

Are you paying excessive attention to your child’s every move and experience? Are you constantly telling your child what to say and do? Do you have trouble letting go of your child? Are you overprotective? Are you quick to step in if your child is having trouble with peers, teachers, or coaches? Are you overly involved in your child’s daily life? Do you have trouble actively engaging in your own activities and passions when you are away from your child? Do you feel unhappy in your own life away from your child, in your marriage, career, friendships, and…

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