DayFR Euro

Saint-Gaudens. Reactions after the Eurovision song contest.

Let’s see what Sylviane thought about it: “It was rubbish, apart from Slimane and the young Israeli, I would have put them in the first two. As for the others, what a circus! There we crossed the line. Between the exhibitionists, the witches, non-gender people, sadomasochists and I forget some, it’s no longer a family show at all.” And what does Vivi say about it? “No, I haven’t seen it, I don’t watch TV. I sit down with a book, my cats and listen to music. But the next day, on the recommendation of a friend, I watched and listened the broadcast of Slimane’s performance on You Tube, I had goosebumps and yet, I had already heard this song before.” “I was shocked by all this circus surrounding the Israeli singer,” Marc told us. “It wasn’t her who declared war on Hamas and the competition is supposed to be apolitical, right? The same goes for the Olympic Games by the way. Ban Russian athletes, as if they had something to do with the war in Ukraine!” “We didn’t watch, that evening we were at the Jazz festival at the concert by Kyle Eastwood who played music from his father’s films. Magnificent! say Damien and Cécile. On the other hand, we saw a summarized in the news, it becomes completely stupid and if we criticize, we are called old things who understand nothing. Let’s move on to Richard: “Shit! It’s no longer about a singing competition. Under the guise of open-mindedness, we’re more into tolerance but into trash. It’s a spectacle of various depravity. Could – shall we return to the fundamentals of singing, excluding politics and current affairs? It’s no longer Eurovision, but Horrorvision. To win, be as different as possible. Next year, I’m presenting myself as a “tricouille”. , that hasn’t been discussed yet, in fact, I don’t know whether to laugh or cry.” Lise still has tears in her eyes when she thinks about it “When Slimane sang penultimate after all this hubbub, this orgy of colors, lights, crazy costumes and eccentric decorations, everyone was silent, he something happened. Like a bubble of beauty and purity. More than magnificent!” “It was puppet! And I think that in terms of judges and ranking, it’s not very clear. I won’t watch anymore. We gave the best performance. When I say we, it’s Slimane. Beautiful , smiling, sober and this voice It may have come 4th, but given the comments on the networks, and the fact that it is still the most streamed song in the world in 24 hours, I would say that the vox populi spoke, and spoke well: he won.”


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