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Jean-Paul Belmondo’s family is torn apart over 100 million inheritance

According to L’Informed, “The actor’s two daughters, Florence and Stella, accuse their brother Paul of having fraudulently embezzled more than 100 million euros.”

Florence (64 years old) and Stella (21 years old) criticize Paul (61 years old) for “estate concealment”. According to them, he would have taken a larger share of the inheritance than that reserved for him and would have benefited from significant donations which should, according to them, have been taken into account when sharing the inheritance.

At the heart of the conflict is the luxurious property, with eight bedrooms and a swimming pool, on the Caribbean island of Antigua, which Paul received from his father. Stella Belmondo discusses it in terms of “disguised donation in obscure conditions for which he (Jean-Paul Belmondo, editor’s note) cannot explain.”

But this is not the only point of conflict, far from it. Life insurance worth two million euros, taken out by the star in 1994, would arouse the anger of Paul Belmondo. A notary asks him to pay “620,000 euros to his sisters”life insurance providing, according to L’Informe, the following distribution: “50% to Stella, 40% to Paul and 10% to Florence”.

That’s not all. Florence Belmondo claims that her brother received half the capital of New Century Development, a real estate company that she values ​​at 93 million euros, as well as, in the 1980s, shares in the production company Cerito Films of worth ten million euros. She considers it to be a “don rapportable” which should have been taken into account during the succession.

For his part, Paul Belmondo claims to have received these titles from his grandfather, the sculptor Paul Belmondo, and denies any misappropriation.

The Belmondo sisters requested that the life insurance be sequestered, but the court did not agree with them. He believes that “the inheritance concealments alleged by Stella and Florence Belmondo are, as it stands, not established by the documents submitted to the debates”still according to the investigation of The Informed.

This is undoubtedly only the beginning of a long legal battle. In any case, here is another story likely to tarnish the image of “children of…”, far too often at the heart of media disputes in recent times.


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