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Big Twitch name banned for racist remarks

Famous streamer Asmongold was temporarily suspended from the streaming platform Twitch after comments deemed racist towards Palestine and its people.


  • Asmongold was sanctioned by Twitch.
  • Twitch took action by enforcing its policies against hate speech, fueling the moderation debate.
  • The community is divided between support for the suspension and defense of free speech.
  • This incident on Twitch is a reminder of the increased responsibility streamers face regarding their influence and their public statements.

A controversial personality

Asmongold, real name Zack Hoyt, is a Twitch icon thanks to his streams on popular games like World of Warcraft et Diablo. With a very engaged community, its positions never leave one indifferent. He has often found himself at the heart of heated debates for his strong opinions on different subjects, but this time, his remarks took a much more polemical turn. Asmongold’s personality makes him a figurehead, but it also places him in the line of fire as soon as he crosses certain boundaries.

Suspension: a response from Twitch

The incident occurred after a series of negative comments about the situation in Palestine, which Asmongold deemed problematic. He criticized Palestinian culture in terms that many considered inappropriate and racist. Faced with criticism on the networks, Twitch temporarily suspended Asmongold’s secondary account, zackrawrr, while leaving his main account active. This sanction is part of the platform’s strict policy aimed at combating hate speech and toxic behavior. However, the move raises questions about the effectiveness of Twitch’s measures. Many wonder why his main account was not affected, calling into question the consistency of the actions taken to moderate content and avoid public excesses by influential figures.

A divided community

A large portion of viewers expressed outrage at the streamer’s comments, saying such speeches were unacceptable on a public platform. Some welcomed Twitch’s action, saying it is important to set an example by punishing hate speech. However, fans of Asmongold defended the streamer, saying his comments were simply an expression of his personal opinion and not an incitement to hatred. This polarization reflects the broader debate around freedom of expression on social media.

The impact on the image of streamers

Streamers, like Asmongold, are playing an increasingly influential role in today’s digital culture. With a global audience of millions of young people, their statements can have a huge effect on their fans’ perceptions. This situation reminds content creators of the importance of accountability in their public discourse. Platforms like Twitch are now required to more closely manage the statements of these personalities to avoid abuses, while preserving a balance with freedom of expression. Asmongold, for his part, must now face the repercussions not only from Twitch, but also from his community.

What do we think?

The Asmongold case poses a complex dilemma between necessary moderation on online platforms and the freedom of expression of creators. On the one hand, Twitch must protect its users and ban speech that incites hatred. On the other hand, some feel that it is sometimes difficult to draw a clear line between criticism and racism. This case pushes us to think about the limits to be set in public discussions and the impact of the words of influencers in a digital world under tension.


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