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Retraining, book, comics and his foundation with his brother… Luka Karabatic is also thinking about post-hand

It’s still a bit far since he is under contract with SG until 2026. But the aftermath came on the table facing the readers of L’union-L’Ardennais this Tuesday, October 15, in , for the Tokyo 2021 Olympic champion (“with Covid, without an audience, we felt close to each other during a match”). Inevitably for the captain of the team.

We said to ourselves with Nikola that it would be cool to have a beautiful book on handball, which retraces a bit of our shared career.

Luka KarabaticHandball player at PSG and international

“I’m starting to think about it, I’m 36 years old. Three out of four friends have stopped. I have the example of my brother (Nikola) for some time and handball is a physical sport, with a lot of injuries. I am in a club where we play a lot of matches”explains the PSG captain. “I don’t know exactly what I will do when I stop, I will already take a little time to settle down and make the most of my family, my daughters”.

If coaching and the diplomas that go with it are not his priority, “at the moment, it’s almost even more intense than being a player”Luka Karabatic will remain “in the world of sport, I want it”.

A foundation launched with his brother Nikola, 18 months ago

He will thus continue the mission of the foundation launched with his brother Nikola, 18 months ago. “Last year, we equipped 150 clubs in France that needed it the most with our equipment supplier. In the summer too, we have the Karabatic courses – 20 years in 2026 –, with a real educational project around it. I really want to get involved in it. »

Last string to Luka’s bow, the release of the book, October 23, “Our love story with handball” (Flammarion). “We don’t see them often, we said to ourselves with Nikola, that it would be cool to have a beautiful book on handball, which retraces a little of our common career, the history of the France team. It’s for enthusiasts. »

A work written with two journalists and accompanied by two volumes of comics. Of which they are also fans.


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