DayFR Euro

“We can make friends after 60”: in Dordogne, a women’s football team inspires this evening on TV

The Dordogne team “The Queens of Football” in Calès composed of women over 50 years old is at the heart of the documentary broadcast this evening on 5 as part of the evening “Aging well: old people are making their revolution”. Directed by Céline Martel, this film “All our old people happy” highlights a new generation of seniors who, far from retiring, are reinventing their old age by remaining active and creating connections.

Through the story of Karine, 61, founder of this women’s football team, the documentary explores the issues of this period of life. Karine shares her experience of reaching her sixties: “ You can feel isolated at that age. » To break this loneliness, she created this club where members not only meet to play, but to support each other, exchange and set new goals. “ We can make new friends, spend 60 years “, she affirms with conviction.

Aging while remaining active: the message from Périgord seniors

This documentary takes us into the daily lives of several inspiring seniorsincluding the members of the “Queens of Football”, who do not let age hold them back. For Céline Martel, it was essential to show that this generation still has “ a lot to bring » and that getting older can also be a period of fulfillment and commitment. “ It’s not necessarily a loss », explains the director, wishing to break with the negative representations of old age. By filming people who continue to discover new activities and enrich their social lives, the documentary offers a resolutely positive image of this period.

Changing our outlook on old age

Céline Martel herself recognizes that this project transformed her vision of old age. “ Like many people, I was imbued with the idea that at a certain age, life slows down. » explains the journalist. However, by meeting dynamic and committed seniors, she understood that this stage could be much more enriching than she imagined. “I was surprised by their energy, their ability to bounce back. » she continues. This film is therefore an invitation to change our view of age and to understand that « growing old also means continuing to set goals, to flourish until the end. »


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