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This young Breton makes a sensational entry into the Star Academy castle


Helen Herault

Published on

Oct 14, 2024 at 12:06 p.m.

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“He has done a few concerts but he is not never been on TV. And I think it’s going to be great! »

These are the words of Clara Luciani, godmother of the new season of the cult TF1 show Star Academypresented Charles, the young candidate from Pléneuf-Val-André (22), who entered the castle on Saturday evening, October 12. Sorry!

The praises of Clara Luciani

“I met a student, Charles, he was adorable. We talked a little bit, he seemed very serene, more than me strangely,” said the star with a suave voice on the microphone of Nikos Aliagasa few seconds earlier.

I said to myself: wow, he’s very professional!

Clara Luciani on Charles, student at the Star Academy

He hasn’t even appeared on the show’s stage yet and bam! Charles sets the tone.

His entrance onto the stage is grandiose: immense golden doors open onto his frail silhouette and from the first notes, he sets the scene: a cover of I’m going, a title by Florent Pagnya vocal artist.

Videos: currently on Actu

Direct, Charles sends. A clear, powerful voice. He plays the notes one after the other, even the highest ones, without a false notewithout being disturbed by the thrills of the audience and the fireworks that explode at the climax of the performance.

A hell of a spectacle.

Such proud parents

While Charles sings, the production sends pictures of his fatherGaël Doré, entrepreneur known in the sector, very moved by his son’s performance.

Charles entered Star Academy through the front door. ©Helen HERAULT

“I followed all the stages of the casting of Charles, the return trips to ,” says his mother Joanna Marsaudon. I left the first prime to his father so that he can experience this with him. To be in the public, there is a quota per candidate. I’m going there next Saturday and I won’t miss it for the world! »

Joanna, who appears in Charles’ presentation video, found her son particularly at ease for this baptism of fire.

“He is always at ease, Charles, in this kind of situation. In any case, he doesn’t let anything show. And there, I found him particularly good in his role. »

“He was born with this gift”

The young man did not stand aside from Nikos. His father, on the other hand, overwhelmed by emotion, searched for a button that did not exist on the microphone before stammer a little in the face of the questions from the star host justifying:

Gaël, Charles’ father, was very moved during his son’s performance. ©Helen HERAULT

“Pwaff!” It’s so a terrible emotion that… It’s such a pleasure to see him there! He worked so hard to get there…”

Go ahead, go ahead, go ahead! Make the world happy!

Gaël Doré, father of Charles

And he was happy. To his future teachers and even to the director of the Star Academy, Michael Goldmanwho is none other than the son of boss Jean-Jacques Goldman.

And natural singerthat’s how he described Charles. “He’s like a top model: he walks in the street and is more beautiful than all the others… He was born with this gift! »

The young man set the stage of the cult TF1 show on fire. ©Helen HERAULT

While emphasizing that “this extraordinary natural background” would not be enough to make a career or to please the public“everything else you have to learn. »

Work in perspective

An encouragement toeffort also lavished by his grandmother in the video presenting the young man, while he is having lunch on the terrace with his family.

Charles is used to galloping on the large wild beaches between Pléneuf and Erquy with Gipsy, his mare. ©Helen HERAULT

“It’s a school and it’s a lot of work Charles. You’ll have to go there, eh! » Especially since the young man with the face of an angel has never taken a singing lesson…

But Mikaël Goldmann remains very encouraging after his magnificent performance:

You have considerable potential and it is a treat to have you at the castle. I can’t wait to start working with you.

Joanna has confidence. She subscribed to the live broadcast of the show. “I won’t go every day, but I’m watching how he settles in…”

Overwhelmed by the schedule, the recording of the anthem and the new habits to adopt, Charles had not been able to call at the start of the week. The mother is impatiently awaiting news.

“He promised me that his first minute on the phone would be for me! » We too are waiting for news!

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