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“I have no reluctance to accommodate him under my roof”: “Marc Dutroux, a free man?”: we saw the shocking RTL documentary fiction on his release from prison

Thirty years after the affair that horrified Belgium and the gigantic legal fiasco that followed, “Marc Dutroux, a free man?” risks causing debate. Not recommended for children under 10, this docu-fiction broadcast this evening on RTL-TVi and presented by Julie Denayer looks at the possibility of reintegration – with several explicit references – of one of the greatest criminals Belgium has ever known. Marc Dutroux having been sentenced to life imprisonment (i.e. 30 years), 20 years ago, for rape of minors, kidnapping and murder, in particular. Considered “neither suicidal nor demented”, his release is pending. “Long-term prison is counterproductive, assures Christian Panier, former judge and owner of the accommodation where Michèle Martin, wife of Marc Dutroux, is currently staying. “The longer it is, the more it creates recidivism.”

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Gino Russo: “My life is glued to this story”

Among the testimonies in this docu-fiction, we note that of Mélissa’s always poignant father whose life is “forever stuck to this story, I don’t know how to let go of it”. “I don’t differentiate between Michelle Martin and her husband, confess Gino Russo. Crimes cannot take place without the complicity of both.” And to conclude: “a second chance, they already had one!”

As for Julie’s dad, Jean-Denis Lejeune, he initially refused to participate in this documentary. “One more which will not change much to change our decision-makers, he deplores the judicial system but especially our political world which does not move one iota on the issue. The sentences are not worthy of the murderers and child rapists.”

Reports from psychiatrists going in the same direction

Through analyzes by experts close to the case, “Marc Dutroux, a free man?” So weigh the pros and cons if the pedophile now lived his daily life outside the walls of Nivelles prison?

If the psychiatric reports seem unanimous: “he has not evolved and remains dangerous for society”; “he is still a psychopath who has the power to hurt without empathy”; “he has an absence of repentance and only thinks of himself”: “We considered that there was still a risk”, his lawyer deplores that he is “sequestered in his own prison”.

“Give hope to anyone convicted of reintegration”

“Marc Dutroux is today more in danger than dangerous”, continues Bruno Dayez in the face of the anger of public opinion which is still very present. With the risk of riots and embarrassment that his release from prison could create. “We must be able to let go and offer him a place to stay where he can enjoy measured freedom in the absence of any public.“And to go even further:”I would not have any reservations about hosting him under my roof. I know him, I frequent him. He is not my intimate friend but a certain familiarity has been established.”

And in view of the texts of the law and justice, the press magistrate at the Dutroux trial does not say the opposite. “Social reintegration is possible as long as everything is well supervised.” Philippe Morandini continues: “If the work on oneself has been done with help, if there is an awareness of the seriousness of the facts and if there is a desire for reintegration, we are told that we should not deprive ourselves of this because it gives a hope for every convicted person to reintegrate.”

Si the final words of “Marc Dutroux: a free man?” is given to Jean-Denis Lejeune who sends a new message to politicians, Matt Graves seems to sum up the inextricable situation well : “Please don’t release him, says this expert in criminal cases. It would be an error for justice and an error for Belgium.”


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