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In Rennes, this festival questions justice through documentary cinema

Three questions for Marianne Bressy, programmer of the Images de justice festival.

Last year you celebrated the 20th anniversary of the festival, what does this new edition look like without competition?

The students from the IUT social careers made me want to do this edition. They scheduled the first day, with a film for schools, and two public screenings. The themes will be the question of immigration, violence against minors and religious radicalization, treated from the angle of their care. I felt young people worried about the political, ecological and sociological future, this made me want to respond with cinema.

In what way?

The second day will focus on activist values. There will be a meeting with Pierre Douillard-Lefèvre, author of Dissolve, a history of dissolution procedures like that of the Earth Uprisings which did not succeed. And the movie Relax by Audrey Ginestet, around the women who help Manon, indicted in the Tarnac affair, to prepare her defense. With questions around freedom of expression, the refusal of the capitalist world and the collective as an act of resistance.

Did you want a more fun last day?

With the false trial of the legal profession and questions: How do you present yourself as a lawyer in a trial that is more political than legal? A lawyer is obligatory, but is it necessary? Is he a hero who upholds republican values ​​and defends fundamental freedoms? Or is he a barker who defends the indefensible without qualms?

Maître Descamps-Guézou, lawyer at the Rennes bar, will represent the prosecution and Sarah Mayo, student lawyer, the defense. It is President Catherine Glon who will decide the debates. It is a literary and spectacular way of raising these questions. Beforehand, we will broadcast the documentary Devil’s advocate by Olivier Meyrou, around the court-appointed lawyers of Michel Fourniret and his partner Monique Olivier.

From May 14 to 16, 2024, in Rennes, the entire program on

With the How to say bookstore!


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