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Shakira settles her troubles with the Spanish tax authorities


Shakira has been questioned on multiple occasions by the Spanish tax authorities.Keystone

The prosecution accused the Colombian singer of not having paid her taxes in Spain from 2012 to 2014, even though she had lived in the country for more than 183 days a year during those years.

Shakira should once again avoid a trial for tax fraud in Spain. The prosecution requested on Wednesday the dismissal of proceedings against the global star, almost six months after an agreement with prosecutors in a separate procedure.

“The prosecution considers that there is not sufficient evidence” to criminally prosecute the Colombian artist, as part of this procedure relating to the year 2018, he indicated in a press release.

A court on the outskirts of Barcelona announced in July that it had launched proceedings against the “Hips don’t lie” singer, suspected of having used companies domiciled in tax havens to avoid paying her full tax. on income and wealth that year.

Millions euros paid

The singer paid 6.6 million euros in August to the courts to show her desire to regularize her situation with the tax authorities. A sum corresponding to the amount owed to the tax authorities, increased by late payment interest and regularization costs.

The desire of the prosecution to close the case must still be approved by the court, but it a priori removes the prospect of a trial and a heavy fine for the singer.

Shakira, implicated on multiple occasions by the Spanish tax authorities, has already avoided a trial at the end of 2023 before the Barcelona court as part of a separate procedure.

The singer for her part categorically denied these accusations, ensuring that, even if she had started a relationship in 2011 with ex-FC Barcelona player Gerard Pique, she had continued to move around the world in those years. , because of his career.

She claimed to have only established herself permanently in Barcelona at the end of 2014, before transferring her tax residence from the Bahamas to Spain in 2015, just before the birth of her second child.

Agreement of last minute

Summoned to court in November to stand trial, she sealed a last-minute agreement with the prosecution and thus avoided a trial promising an unpacking of her private life.

The “Waka Waka” singer was ordered, as part of this agreement, to pay a fine of more than 7.3 million euros corresponding to “50%” of the amount of the fraud. She had already paid 17.45 million euros to the tax authorities to regularize her situation in this matter.

Shakira – who saw her name appear in the “Pandora Papers”, a vast journalistic investigation accusing several hundred personalities of having hidden assets in offshore companies – however still remains in the sights of the Spanish tax authorities for the year 2011. The singer separated from Gerard Piqué in 2022 and has since settled with her children in Miami. (ats/jch)

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