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October 7 attack: in the northern districts of , Rabbi Haïm Bendao advocates living together

For a year, even thousands of kilometers away, the Israel-Hamas war has affected the Jewish community. After October 7, 2023, for many, daily life has changed.

But for the rabbi of the northern districts Haïm Bendao, it is absolutely necessary to maintain living together. He has lived and been a rabbi in the 14th arrondissement of Marseille since 1997, he never takes off his kippah and has never had a problem with the residents. “In the 14th-15th, we don’t have these barriers”underlines Haïm Bendao.

On the wall of the district synagogue, souvenir photos with many blue and white flags. For the rabbi of the northern districts, if there is indeed a place that represents living together in Marseille: it’s the Vélodrome. “You arrive, you have 1,800 supporters, you are in the middle with your yarmulke, there are Palestinian flags… I was with them several times at the venue, we talked”says the one who is affiliated with the Winners. “And OM, this stadium, this atmosphere means that there is a moment when we manage to agree on something that makes us all happy.”

At a time when the debate is crystallizing, it is even more important to maintain the dialogue, according to him: “When there is something serious that happens in the world and which concerns the two communities of the 14th, Jewish and Muslim, it does not have a negative impact on the contrary we will come together, we will talk and find solutions. “ Regularly, Haïm Bendao makes interventions and organizes exchange times in public places, in the company of a priest and an imam.


“You have to make the effort to open up and engage in dialogue with others”

Marion, a 30-year-old Marseillaise, also advocates dialogue. Since October 7, 2023, his daily lifelike that of many members of the Jewish community, has changed. “For a moment I was afraid, I hid”says the young woman, who even saw some of her friendly relationships deteriorate. There is pressure to position yourselfto have to choose a side which today prevents communication”regrets Marion.

“What’s happening over there is over there. Importing the conflict here has made everyday life murky for a year. It’s up to us in to make the effort to open up and have a dialogue with the others”concludes the one who hopes to see appeasement in the country.



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