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more than 200 participants in dictation for all

« Bringing children to school on a Saturday afternoon, you still have to do it », comments with pride this volunteer from l’association Nourfacing the world that is flocking this Saturday, October 5, 2024 in the courtyard of Le Lac college, to participate in the dictation for everyone. An event organized for several years by the Sedan association, with the aim of bringing together young and old around the French language. “ With SMS talk and screens, it is essential to make our young people understand the importance ofspelling », recalled the president of Nour, Leïla Belhabib.

In the courtyard, children, parents and grandparents came to practice dictation. Heidi was participating for the very first time. “ I thought it might be fun to do with the kids, but if I wasn’t the top of the class at school », recognizes the mother, who came accompanied by her two daughters. “ My oldest has just started first grade, so I think that on her sheet there will be more drawings than words », smiles his mother tenderly.

“There is a great social and cultural mix”

Once all participants are equipped with paper, pens and supports, the dictation can begin. This year, the association called on a Parisian actor and comedian to read the dictation: Rédouane Behachewho didn’t hesitate to put on a show before getting down to business.


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