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Reach a higher level by Yannis Gautier – Thought for the Day

Swave the scriptures

Aspire to live constantly in His presence!
Psalm 105:4

Have you asked God to strengthen your relationship with Him? Are you longing for your spiritual life to move to the next level or are you in some sort of spiritual status quo that suits you?

Look around you! Some people seem to be on another planet! Their consecration, their messages and their actions suggest that they are in an extraordinary spiritual dimension.

Seeing God working around you is good, but you must also yearn for his presence, because what he has done for others, he can also do for you.

If you want to improve the quality of your spiritual life and benefit from everything that comes from it, you will necessarily have to move to a higher level and seek more of His presence. “You will seek me and you will find me, if you seek me with all your heart” (Jeremiah 29.13).

Elisten to the voice of God

What would you say about God’s presence in this time of your life? Take the time to listen to what he wants to tell you about this.

Praying is simple. Talk to God like you would your closest friend. God loves you and he can hear everything. Here is an example of a prayer: “Father, you said in your Word that I will find you if I seek you with all my heart. I thirst for your presence, let yourself be found by me, as I seek you today. Amen.”

Louer God

What if today you took some time to thank the Lord for all the times he has made you feel his presence. You could also praise him for all the times he’s been there without you knowing. Whether you feel it or not, he has promised to grant you his presence!

Aact today

Now you can take concrete action to apply what God has told you. Make this promise yours:You will seek me and you will find me, if you seek me with all your heart”. Declare it, and seek God in his Word, in worship, in prayer. He will let himself be found.

Hhonor the Lord

Our journey for the day ends. Let us pray together to honor our God.​​

Lord, you are a God near and not far away. You manifest yourself to those who seek you, then to you be the kingdom, the power and the glory, amen !”

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