DayFR Euro

Georgia: A TikToker films her own death

A 24-year-old Russian woman died in improbable circumstances on Friday evening in Tbilisi. The young woman filmed her own death, while she was recording a video with a friend. The footage shows Arina Glazunova crossing a street in the Georgian capital, singing and dancing. Focused on her friend’s camera, the unfortunate woman does not realize that she is heading straight towards a low wall about a meter high, overlooking an underground passage.

The young woman then grabs her friend’s phone and starts filming her. The latter’s eyes suddenly widen in horror at the moment when the unfortunate woman stumbles against the low wall, loses her balance and falls backwards, head first into the underground passage. Seriously injured in the skull and broken neck, the Russian died in hospital, reports the “Sun”. A memorial was improvised at the scene of the accident, where flowers and messages of condolence were left.

On social networks, comments poured in to salute the memory of Arina, who was very active on TikTok. Some, however, denounced the dangerousness of the place where the tragedy occurred: “Anyone could fall over this low wall,” protested a resident of Tbilisi. Other Internet users felt that this terrible accident should serve as a warning to young people, some tending to put themselves in danger to make videos for social networks.


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