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The influence of her cancer on her relationship: Alice Detollenaere: “I have never felt so naked”

Alice Detollenaere learned she had breast cancer in late 2019.

The illness “turns everything upside down”, but Camille Lacourt and Alice Detollenaere are still a couple.

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Fortunately early enough for treatment without chemotherapy, but with a double mastectomy. And if the latest prevention campaign from the Ruban Rose association involves Camille Lacourt, the model’s companion, it is no coincidence.

Caregivers, “pillars of the equation”, have a crucial role in getting through the ordeal of the disease, and the former swimmer was an unfailing support for the ex-Miss Burgundy, as she revealed to “Gala”.

“It wasn’t necessarily easy for Camille to be the face of this campaign because it’s a subject that is not easy for us,” she conceded in the introduction.

Because the illness “turns everything upside down” and brings its share of doubts. “By telling Camille that I was afraid that he would no longer find me beautiful, I have never felt so naked,” she continues. I had so many fears. The worst thing that could happen to me is that he doesn’t love me anymore. When I told him about it, he laughed. He told me that even if I no longer had breasts or hair, he would still love me.

On the contrary, the former champion was “very confident and kept telling me that everything would be fine”. However, to make matters worse, “at that time, we had no money at all. It was very difficult for Camille in her post-career. He was fooled by a lot of people,” confides the woman who even had her first operation canceled due to lack of financial means.

“Our relationship was put to the test,” she reveals. “As he had stayed with me because I was ill, I wondered if he would also stay with me as I got better. It was very weird.”

Couples therapy and a baby later, Marius, born in 2021, everything is much better. “I knew he would be the man of my life at that time. I told myself that if we had survived this ordeal, we could resist a lot of things,” concludes Alice Detollenaere.


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