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Marc-Olivier Fogiel exhausted by his years at BFMTV: he discusses the reasons for his departure and his “need to move on”

While he has just officially given up the reins of BFMTV, Marc-Olivier Fogiel gave a long interview to our colleagues from “Figaro”. The former general director of the news channel spoke about the reasons which pushed him to leave and his wishes for the future.

Marc-Olivier Fogiel exhausted by his years at BFMTV: he discusses the reasons for his departure and his “need to move on”

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On July 22, Marc-Olivier Fogiel formalized his departure from BFMTV. The general director has in fact made the decision to devote himself to new projects after five years of good service. The same goes for Hervé Béroud, who was the information director. The two men were then treated to a beautiful joint farewell party on Tuesday September 24, in which several stars of the channel participated.

The meeting was at Les Trois Présidents, the restaurant very close to the BFMTV premises, in the 15th arrondissement of and Marc-Olivier Fogiel held back a moment “very festive and very moving” as he confided to Figaro. During this interview, the TV man also gave a positive assessment of his time at BFMTV, even admitting “iron” of the changes he introduced. I have the feeling of duty accomplished by having, with Hervé, changed the dimension of BFMTV, which has become a major general news channel with a renewed schedule, constantly growing audiences, a generation of recognized journalists and a completely 360-degree news ecosystem: linear and digital“.

BFM, it prevents you from sleeping

But then, why did you leave her so well? In any case, this has nothing to do with the takeover of the Altice Media group, which includes BFMTV and RMC, by the billionaire shipowner Rodolphe Saade assures Marc-Olivier Fogiel. “I pleased the shareholder and the shareholder pleased me“, he initially emphasized. And explained: “Five years at BFM is intense, permanent, exciting and sometimes it keeps you from sleeping. Rodolphe Saadé wanted me to continue but he understood my state of mind. We part, good friends and I am sure that he and his teams will bring a lot to this channel“, he confided, specifying his “need to move on“and to have”a parenthesis in (his) life“. “I look forward to taking advantage of this calmer period to take time to reflect and have personal projects, which I want to keep to myself“, he added, undoubtedly thinking of his husband François Roelants and their daughters Mila and Lily (born in 2011 and 2013 respectively).

At 55 years old, Marc-Olivier Fogiel does not, however, close the door to a return on the air or off the air later. It is even already expected. “I was asked to go back on the air or continue in the field of management. It is not in my nature to say what I refused, especially since others accepted. My refusals had nothing to do with interest in the positions, it was a question of timing. I need this period of reflection“. Case to be continued…


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