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9,000 works of art, 50 museums… this town of 2,000 inhabitants innovates and launches a brand new “virtual museum”

In order to fight against “cultural segregation”, the municipal library of Buxy (Saône-et-) acquired an Arture terminal. The concept: a touchscreen tablet that brings together more than 9,000 works exhibited in museums around the world.

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In appearance, it could be a tablet like any other. But inside, we find some of humanity’s greatest works. Claude Monet’s “Water Lilies”, Van Gogh’s self-portraits… and more than 9,000 others, all accessible in high definition.

Named “Arture”, this digital terminal will be installed this September 30 at the municipal library of Buxy (Saône-et-Loire), a town of just over 2,000 inhabitants about fifteen kilometers from Chalon- sur-Saône. The idea: facilitate access to culture in rural areas.

This terminal aims to open up our cultural proposition as much as possible“, explains Jeanne Perret, head of the municipal library. “In rural areas, it is not always easy to have access to culture. You have to travel, it has a cost, it is sometimes difficult for families or people with reduced mobility. There, it is us who go to them with this virtual museum.

Because the terminal is intended to serve various audiences: school groups, for example, or even residents of EHPADs. “It does not need an internet connection to work“, continues Jeanne Perret. “So we can definitely move it outside the walls and organize workshops.

For others who are curious, “Arture” will be available for free access to the library. Each work included in the device benefits “of all the necessary explanations“. Some are also represented in the form of a 3D model, which can be manipulated according to the wishes of visitors. As for the catalog, from 50 different museums such as the Louvre or the British Museum, it will be regularly expanded via updates or requests of the library.

The municipal library of Buxy (SAÔNE-ET-LOIRE).


Note that that of Buxy will be the first library in Burgundy to install such a device, financed by both the municipality and the department of Saône-et-Loire. Others could also see the light of day in the near future: the departmental library, located in Charnay-les-Mâcon, plans to invest in its own “Arture” terminal.


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