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Caussade. Women’s memoirs illustrated by Alma Kaiser

the essential
An exhibition and an album that recount parts of women’s memories and women’s living conditions.

In partnership with Mounière, house of memories of Septfonds, the Caussade intercommunal media library welcomed, late Friday afternoon, the illustrator Alma Kaiser for a meeting around an exhibition and an album created on the theme : “They make Septfonds! Working women, exiles, nuns, witches or business leaders, women of the 18th or 21st century, women linked to the village, having been born there and having worked there.

In the preamble, the vice-president of the Community of Communes of Quercy Caussadais, Jean-Michel Roumiguié recalled that this meeting was part of the continuity of a long work proposed for more than a year by Mounière on the theme of image and role of women in rural areas: “Following passionate historical work by Romy Barenne and Margot Nicolle to format the exhibition, Alma’s talents are once again illustrated by the creation of an album presented today Today, the Community of Communes, which supported the territorial residency last year, is happy to continue this collaboration with the Caussade media library to discover with Alma Kaiser and Mounière, this album Women memories in Quercy, available in all stores. media libraries of Quercy Caussadais”. Alma admitted that this work had been fascinating: “It’s crazy! Everyone had something to tell.” For each episode of this collective exhibition, it took almost two years of work to contact the actors and archive documents.

About the illustrator

Alma Kaiser studied at the Romande School of Art and Communication in Lausanne, Switzerland. She worked for a while in a communications agency, before becoming a mother and a goatherd. Since 2017, she has been an independent illustrator based in Tarn & Garonne, where she works mainly for cultural and associative projects. “An illustrator, graphic designer and scenographer by trade, she brings the actors of multiple projects to life with just a few strokes of the pencil! Creation, meetings and above all the desire to share are at the heart of her profession.” Excerpt from an interview with Estelle Desmard, around the project “Cultural action and French language to discover the territory, the inhabitants and oneself” PETR Pays Midi-Quercy).

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