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[VIDÉO] “Revolution”: Missy and Alexander: the prime of life

At 50, Argentine tango dancer Missy Tsolova is the oldest dancer this season at “Revolution”, and that is absolutely not what will prevent her from shining.

• Also read: [VIDÉO] “Revolution”: Yohe and Yelda score a home run with this number

• Also read: Revolution: Here’s what you need to know about the new face-to-faces

The experienced dancer easily proved, on Sunday evening, during the last round of selections, where she presented herself with her partner Alexander, that age was just a number and not a barrier.

“I could be the mother of most dancers – in fact my own children are in their twenties – but it is something that makes me very proud and for which I am extremely grateful,” she expressed during an interview with the QMI Agency.

“I dance to keep my body fit and my mind alive. I don’t set limits for things like this. We go all out and if we want to make moves, we never say to ourselves: “oh no, I’m too old for that”. No! I’m going to do it and I’m going to keep going until my body follows me. I am not going to limit myself for a question of numbers,” she continued.

Following their performance on Sunday evening, the two tangueros received rave reviews from the masters. Jean-Marc Généreux notably compared their revolution to a poster for an elite show, while Mel Charlot already saw them in the final.

“We put a lot of pressure on ourselves for our first number and we worked keeping in mind that Argentine tango had never been represented on the show, neither before us nor after us. It is with a responsibility that we chose to appear on the show,” said Missy.

“Tango is a dance, but it is also a culture. Dance today is evolving so quickly and all dances are merging. It becomes a challenge to want to put forward a style that is more than 100 years old on a stage like that of Revolution, while keeping the essence of this culture in each of our numbers,” she added, emphasizing that the show served as a great gateway to promote the community of this dance. Her husband is also the founder of one of the first tango schools in Montreal.

When the dancers, who have been teaming up for more than 5 years, knew that the next step would pit them against mystery dancers, they immediately felt confident, not having to face the other star dancers of the show .

“When we found out about the face-to-face matches, we said to ourselves that we would surely face someone in the tango community. We had in mind that it would surely be a couple that we already knew,” said Alexander.

“We didn’t want to show just a simple choreography, because the masters already saw that in the first round. We also wanted to tell a story and take risks to raise our level,” he added, recalling that they were inspired by the best in the world.

Close deliberations

Sunday evening, Jessie and her new partner Nikita, whose revolution could have been much more impactful in the eyes of the masters, were saved at the end of the deliberations.

Unfortunately, the commercial dance troupe TNV (seasons 3 and 4), whose masters noted a lack of attack and tone in the cleanliness of the steps, and the contemporary dancer Justin Verreault (seasons 1 and 3) did not obtained the necessary votes to move to the next step.

The all-star season of “Revolution” is broadcast on Sunday evenings on TVA, at 7:30 p.m. The show can be replayed at any time on TVA+.

The dancers saved this week

Alex and Alex – 30 and 34 years old – Montreal

Clik (Clique + Mikaël) – 16 to 22 years old – Saint-Basile-Le-Grand (Clique) and Trois-Rivières (Mikaël)

Jessie and Nikita – 35 and 32 years old – Montreal

KYÔ – 33 and 35 years old – Montreal

Missy and Alexander – 50 and 33 years old – Montreal

Yohe and Yelda – 33 and 34 years old – Montreal


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