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Line Renaud reveals why she never started her life again after the departure of Loulou Gasté

By Louise Martin | Editor

Koh Lanta, Les Marseillais but also Married at First Looks… Louise Martin is a televore who tries, in her spare time, to remake the cakes she admires in front of the Best Pastry Chef… but she is not likely to win the blue apron! Social networks have no secrets for her, the latest scoops, the latest shows, she knows them all. She scrutinizes the lives of your favorite stars and admires Nicky Doll’s outfits a little too much in Drag Race . Little neck pleasure

It has already been more than thirty years since singer Line Renaud lost her husband, Loulou Gasté. Although she reveals having been “courted”, the music icon who is on TF1 this evening in “La Ch’tite famille”, has never shared the life of a man since, as she had entrusted to “Gala”.

Line Renaud reveals why she never started her life again after the departure of Loulou Gasté

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At 96 years old, Line Renaud is a legend of the French cultural landscape. On display in The little family by Dany Boon broadcast this evening on TF1, the actress from the North is one of the favorite personalities of the French. And despite her legendary beauty, Jacqueline Ente, her real name, has only ever loved one man. The singer was 12 years old when she began her career and it was at 17 that she met the song composer Loulou Gasté. Although he is 20 years older than her, the artist falls under her spell. The couple said “yes” on December 18, 1950, five years after their meeting and For 45 years, Line and Loulou will live a passionate love story.

The composer died of cancer on January 8, 1995. A tragedy from which Line Renaud will never really recover. In 2021, the actress admitted to Gala that she had given up on the idea of ​​sharing her life with a man again. The one nicknamed the Snow Star considers thatshe doesn’t haveneed a man in her life“.That didn’t mean anything to me. Being surrounded by friends, with whom we have a good laugh, was enough for me“, details the widow of Loulou Gasté. However, Line Renaud confesses that for 30 years, he has been “happened to be courted“. The singer still had a lover for almost 18 years and never hid it!

Line Renaud: her confidences about her American lover

When she was 37, Line Renaud had an affair with an American: Nate Jacobson. The two lovebirds met in Las Vegas while the dancer was performing on stage. “The builder of Caesars Palace captivated me. A genius. This story was very strong but never reached my heart. I would relive it just the same. Like all passions, it is formidable, destructive too.“, she confided to Match. The star revealed that her husband was aware, specifying: “He didn’t tell me about his adventures in France either! Our relationship had evolved.” However, the blue-eyed blonde had affirmed her desire to stay married. “We returned to Paris and we didn’t talk about it again“, she concluded.


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