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what the stars have in store for you for Monday September 30, 2024

Love, health, work… What do the stars have in store for you tomorrow? Discover your horoscope.


Single, you will make a major discovery today for the rest of your love life. Take the time to think about it with your head at rest, you will come out of this dialogue with yourself. If you’re in a relationship, don’t pay attention to the reviews. Only you know what you are going through, only you are capable of judging your current relationship. So enjoy, and don’t worry about the jealous ones. Do not try to shine among your colleagues, remain humble and discreet. You may do excellent work, but no one is irreplaceable, even after several years in the same position. Continue to show that you are good at what you do, to be present and involved without going overboard. Your modesty will end up paying off with, who knows, a little promotion in the bargain? There is no need to be center stage.

>> Your Cancer horoscope


Single, trust your intuition to spot a person with whom you could build a solid relationship. Reflection is also your ally in making the best relational choices. No rush. As a couple, you will start new projects with your other half. It’s an excellent time to spend time together and to make exciting plans for the future. Transform your natural, even if sometimes hidden, empathy into a professional work of art. Approach projects that arise with a deep understanding of human needs. Your collaboration with partners internal or external to your department or company will create a harmonious mosaic of skills, leading to major professional achievements. Be patient, because ambitious projects often take time.

>> Your Leo horoscope


Single, you probably won’t meet the person you’ve been waiting for during this day, but that doesn’t stop you from enjoying it. You like to go out and make new discoveries, so the need for love is not a burden. You are helpful, your loved ones are grateful to you. As a couple, you put a lot of energy into doing what the other wants. Take the time to discuss and put things into perspective. You have competition, and that motivates you and gives you a lot of strength. You are constantly comparing your work with that of your antagonists, which pushes you to give the best of yourself and to surpass yourself. This is a good thing in itself, but be careful not to get lost or become overwhelmed by your emotions. Stay fair, and don’t forget your principles.

>> Your Virgo horoscope


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