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The Haut- Association of Writers presents its 2024 prize

Culture. The Chaumontese association relocated to Froncles, on the familiar lands of Monique Cardot, in order to present the lucky winner with the AHME 2024 prize for her novel “Desire and Virtue”.

The Haut- Association of Writers (AHME) voted, and rewarded Monique Cardot for a sociological novel which proposes to analyze the relationships between men and women, a vast subject if ever there was one. ““Desire and Virtue” is my fourth work. This novel opens a window on the family and social intimacy of the baby boomer generation during the 1950s and 1970s. We can see the beginnings of the feminist movements that are shaking up current society,” summarizes Monique Cardot. The novel itself is summed up very well on the back cover: “After 28 months spent in Algeria, Gérard returned to work at the company that employed him upon leaving college. He meets Christine, a free and experienced woman, much older than him. With her, he experiences a physically and intellectually exhilarating love, with no obligation other than to be available whenever she herself can be. Because Christine has another life from which she keeps Gérard away, until the moment when it begins to become unbearable for her young lover, who fills his moments of solitude by opening up to another adventure. » Good extract cannot lie:

That’s what concerns you, the idea that I don’t totally belong to you (…) That I give you a part of myself is not enough for you, you want everything, without knowing what you could do. do it.

Monique Cardot

As a reminder, this prize is the result of a reading by all members of candidate and anonymous manuscripts. The AHME has 60 members throughout , and a few foreign countries. The ceremony began with a slam, oratorical art of short texts. “The imposed theme was in the title, to evoke either desire or virtue. Unsurprisingly, desire won out,” laughs Annie , ​​president. One of the texts, written and read by Patrick Grange, 2023 winner, was very emotional, paying tribute to the young Filipina recently murdered. Thanks to this prize, Monique Cardot will be offered the printing of 50 volumes of the awarded work, financed by the association, a novel for which Annie Massy admits some ambitions for national distribution in view of its remarkable literary and sociological quality. The AHME also highlights the impeccable welcome from Fronclois which did not disappoint with the grandeur of its good nature and the finesse of its baking services. We don’t just live on literature and fresh water.

Elise Sylvestre

with Rodolphe Andreotti

  • “The banquet of champions”, performed by Aubade Band.

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